Callers Can't Hear Me **update 04/03/07**
This is the problem. Please let me know if you're having this problem too. It maybe happening to you and you just haven't realized it... here goes.
I work for a school district and am a computer technician. I received a call today about a user having problems with their Treo 700wx. After talking to the user, I discovered that they are experiencing the same problem that I am.
I can place a call to a person (whether they be landline, Sprint or other carrier) they answer, I can hear them just fine and they cannot hear me. I have to disconnect and place a second call, sometimes the second call goes through and they are able to hear me, sometimes they cannot. I then have to hang up the phone and call them a third time, again, sometimes they can hear me and sometimes not (the whole time I can hear them). The fourth call always works, they can hear me and I can hear them.
I can dial using four methods (touchscreen, keyboard, via contacts and voice command). It matters not which method I use, the problem still happens. This does not happen every single time, when it does happen it follows the above patter. I believe this to be a device issue because I also own a Sprint powered Motorola Razr and have NEVER had problems like with the Treo700wx.
I've placed a call with Sprint Advanced Technical support and gave them my story. They insist that it's a tower issue, I highly disagree because I can use my Razr just fine, then the guy told me it was because they use a different GUI... WHAT!? Yes, I've performed a soft-reset, a "take the battery out for a few minutes" reset and even the dreaded HARD REST.
Has anyone else been having this problem? Any suggestions to resolve this issue? Any idea why this might be happening?
BTW: a total of 4 people are having this problem and that's 4 out of the 4 that I asked (at work)
Thanks for reading this long tread