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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 01:11 AM
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How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?


I just went back to sell my Treo 700wx...after migrating to the Touch....to the Mogul....to the Touch again.......and I just played with the 700wx and despite its age and its "lack of" this and that, it's still faster than everything out there.

How did Palm do it and am I just making this up?

Plus, I am astonished at how productive I am on this Treo 700wx vs. the Touch and the Mogul.

Crap, I'm thinking my upgrade may have been a downgrade, and I fear it's not a familiarity thing either.

Anyone have similar sentiments? On the one hand I despise Palm because they are super super duper slow to innovate and I don't want to reward them...but the 800w may prove to be everything I need, screw my principles, screw the thickness, screw the price, screw the anything else...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 01:30 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

Welcome back to the 700wx my friend. I find that one of the biggest benefits of the 700wx is the hard keyboard right up front. Nothing beats that. It's also much more of a business phone, in my opinion, than say the Mogul or Touch.

I consider the wx to be a tool. It's not pretty but it does what it's advertised to do and it does it very, very well. If you want flash and style go with the Mogul, Touch, etc. If you want to email, schedule appointments, etc go with the 700wx.

Let's hear from some other (e.g., syrguy1969, etc.) 700wx users on this.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 02:06 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

Originally Posted by cozboogie View Post
Welcome back to the 700wx my friend. I find that one of the biggest benefits of the 700wx is the hard keyboard right up front. Nothing beats that. It's also much more of a business phone, in my opinion, than say the Mogul or Touch.

I consider the wx to be a tool. It's not pretty but it does what it's advertised to do and it does it very, very well. If you want flash and style go with the Mogul, Touch, etc. If you want to email, schedule appointments, etc go with the 700wx.

Let's hear from some other (e.g., syrguy1969, etc.) 700wx users on this.

id agree, ive always seen the treo 700wx as more of a business phone then the touch or mogul. when u see someone on a treo it looks like they are doing something important.lol i was so incredibly close to getting a 700wx but the mogul came out the week my contract ended and i said wth? ill just send the extra $ and go for the mogul. i love my titan but im sure i would have been as happy and just as productive (work wise) on a treo.


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 03:25 AM
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Thumbs up Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

Originally Posted by dwizzy130 View Post
id agree, ive always seen the treo 700wx as more of a business phone then the touch or mogul. when u see someone on a treo it looks like they are doing something important.lol i was so incredibly close to getting a 700wx but the mogul came out the week my contract ended and i said wth? ill just send the extra $ and go for the mogul. i love my titan but im sure i would have been as happy and just as productive (work wise) on a treo.


You know its pretty funny I think the exact same thing when I see people on a Treo. Mogul and Touch users tend to be youger or less buisness oriantated. I realy like my Treo I bought it back in sep 2006 when it first came out. I always loved its preformance just disliked the antena. I have seen other phones like the mogul and touch for exple that I have thought about upgrading too but they just didnt convince me all the way. I am hoping that the pics we have seen of the 800w are not what the final product will look like. I wish palm made it just a little more sexyer and sleeker. However based on the rumored specs Im sure this phone will be a very solid phone and probebly faster than most. It wont be eye candy like lets say the HTC Diomond but it will probebly out-preform the Diamond. Untill the 800w or something better is released Ill stick with my Treo 700wx. Almost 2 years and running strong.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 10:12 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

I love the wx, and eventhough I have played around with most of the others out there (friends phones, connections at cell stores....) I have to agree with coz and a couple others here, the wx is not the slickest looking device (not exactly ugly though), but it has the 'substance' a lot of other devices lack. If you want to take into account the 'bling' factor of some of the other flaskier devices, the aprt I like is that 9/10 of the software out there can be utilized on the wx as well, so you can tweak it just like any of the other 'in-style' devices. I have a friend using the AT&T tilt now, and I can do more, faster, and have the same (if not better) screen tweaks as they can.

If you want to take into account (as in the OP) "its "lack of" this and that" then the 800w should blow you away, I know that is what I am waiting on for my next upgrade!!!!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 10:50 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

It's good to see all us 700wx users rising up and supporting their phones. Wow...that sounds kinda corny...but y'all know what I mean.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 07:55 PM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

I LOVE my Treo 700wx!! My phone is my baby. I've had my 700wx for almost a year now and wouldn't upgrade for anything...Period!! This phone does everything I need except pay my taxes ( and I'm pretty sure there's a program out there somewhere that can do that!) There is no better smartphone!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2008, 08:17 PM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

"I'm BACK" Even if its just for a short time (800w coming soon) I love my Mogul but with my new duties at my job I spend 6-8 hours a day on the phone and the mogul wasn't really made for that. Treo makes business phones and I have business to do, plus how am I supposed to use the GPS on my Mogul if the phone keeps ringing all the time, so the Mogul is now on my extra line and my Treo is my primary PPC/phone.

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Old 06-08-2008, 08:11 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

Well im going to say, im a true 700wx man. Ive had the touch(didnt grow on me) and I have the Mogul (my 2nd best phone), sold the Touch, and bought my wife a Centro...will never leave my Treo, always find myself going back to it no matter what phone i try....
1 of 3...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2008, 12:57 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

I had a 700wx as my first PocketPC and I never stopped loving it. I got the mogul as an upgrade but since it has been acting up recently i have to send it in and I reactivated my back up 700wx while the mogul gets fixed. The treo is WAY faster in every way. Battery life is solid and is so easy to use with one hand. Also, the Mogul feels like it would shatter if ever dropped... the treo has been dropped and handled it like a tank. treo is the best pocketpc overall as of yet.

sorry to keep going... but I didn't get too into modding my phone until i Got the mogul so my Treo is pretty simple. The only thing I have on it is mobile shell. Anything i should really know about?! send me some links. please! I'm thinking i'm gonna stick with the treo for a while so i might as well make it top knotch.

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