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Old 06-03-2008, 10:12 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

I love the wx, and eventhough I have played around with most of the others out there (friends phones, connections at cell stores....) I have to agree with coz and a couple others here, the wx is not the slickest looking device (not exactly ugly though), but it has the 'substance' a lot of other devices lack. If you want to take into account the 'bling' factor of some of the other flaskier devices, the aprt I like is that 9/10 of the software out there can be utilized on the wx as well, so you can tweak it just like any of the other 'in-style' devices. I have a friend using the AT&T tilt now, and I can do more, faster, and have the same (if not better) screen tweaks as they can.

If you want to take into account (as in the OP) "its "lack of" this and that" then the 800w should blow you away, I know that is what I am waiting on for my next upgrade!!!!

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