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Old 06-09-2008, 12:57 AM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

I had a 700wx as my first PocketPC and I never stopped loving it. I got the mogul as an upgrade but since it has been acting up recently i have to send it in and I reactivated my back up 700wx while the mogul gets fixed. The treo is WAY faster in every way. Battery life is solid and is so easy to use with one hand. Also, the Mogul feels like it would shatter if ever dropped... the treo has been dropped and handled it like a tank. treo is the best pocketpc overall as of yet.

sorry to keep going... but I didn't get too into modding my phone until i Got the mogul so my Treo is pretty simple. The only thing I have on it is mobile shell. Anything i should really know about?! send me some links. please! I'm thinking i'm gonna stick with the treo for a while so i might as well make it top knotch.

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