Originally Posted by kram
Originally Posted by jcramos
That number next to the voicemail button is the speed dial, hold down the 1 and it will dial your voicemail. you can set it to any number you want.
I think you misunderstood my comment -- it had nothing to do with the voicemail speed dial button that appears by defualt on your today screen (until you delete it, like most of us probably do). I'm talking about the voicemail ICON that is part of the PhoneAlarm set of icons shown on the today screen...if your voicemail is empty, the number next to the icon reads 0 (zero), but if you have voicemail this number changes to 1 (one), regardless of whether there are 1 or 10 or 20 messages. I just wanted to know why this number doesn't reflect the actual number of messages in voicemail...
Sorry, I show have read the question again