so this stealth skin is used along with pa? why cant someone just come up with a way to make the leds work as they want them too.
When it comes to someone putting together simple led software tied into the radio?I dont know.In So many forums you will see owners of the wx wanting a led program.Then you will hear the helpfull member tell them to get PA. Bottom line - wx does not have support on this simple software fixs-No led alert on the 700wx. |
Im still using the v1.56 lite build with the simple led with no repeat.reminder.very strong All of the extras PA offers are not of intrest to me.Like many either wx users I just want led notifaction. stealth led gives me just that. |
When using Stealth led with Phone alarm 1.58 lite there is no longer a problem with led starting back up when accessing PA settings or doing soft resets. The led wil start when missed call,v-mail and sms.led will stop using treo soft keys A special thanks to Bruce at PA for helping me figure it out |
That number next to the voicemail button is the speed dial, hold down the 1 and it will dial your voicemail. you can set it to any number you want. |
i cant remember the exact reason but it has something to due with how sprint sets up there voicemail... look over at pocketmax.net in the support forum for the exact answer
edit.... Bruce from Pocketmax says: You must be on Sprint network! They don't send any more notifications after the first as they feel you don't need them!! Feel free to complain to Sprint as this is the only network worldwide I'm aware of which does this wink |