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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2009, 12:52 PM
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Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

I get a lot of requests via private messages and threads on how to cook. Now, I honestly do not have time to go through all of the intricacies of cooking with each request, so I am making this guide in hopes to help out the aspiring chefs out there. This will go into greater detail than needed, like you are starting from scratch. My kitchens are ready to cook, so the initial extraction procedures can be ignored.

Tools needed
SYOK, the i900 kitchen. Not all of the tools in it work, but enough of it does to build a rom.
http://winmo.sztupy.hu/syok.html I had trouble downloading it from his page, so I will also upload a copy.
Updated osnbtool.exe. I don’t think SYOK has an updated version of this, so you can get it from this thread (attached).
A Rom updater. At the time of writing, CF03 is the official update. Download it, and unzip it to get access to the executable.
XIP Kitchen. This is used to port XIPs (basically the core and kernel files) from other OSes/OS builds.
It is attached to this thread.


Alright. Now that we have the tools we need its time to get started.

Extraction—Phase 1
Cooking instructions are different for whichever OS you are intending to use. Not by much, but they are different. The intial setup is the same. So step by step to setup your blank kitchen:
1. Copy the CF03 updater to the base folder of the kitchen. Take the file, and drag it to ExtractROM_bin.cmd. This will extract the appropriate folders and files (save for ROM folder).
2.Delete the contents of the ROM folder. Copy imgfs.src from the base of the kitchen and dump.exe from the \Tools directory into the ROM folder.
3.Execute shell.cmd file in the base of the kitchen. From this command prompt, type this command, exactly as seen: osnbtool –d os.nb 1 xip.bin
4.This will extract a xip.bin into the base of the kitchen. Take this file and copy it into the ROM folder.
5.Drag the xip.bin file onto dump.exe. This will extract the appropriate files and create a XIP subfolder. You now have a working kitchen.
Phase 1—Complete
Attached Files
File Type: zip WQVGA Resources.zip (1.47 MB, 155 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip osnbtool.zip (102.4 KB, 136 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip XIPKitchen_Beta2.zip (4.14 MB, 231 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 07-31-2009 at 07:22 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2009, 12:53 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

Windows Mobile 6.1, or 6.5? Phase 2
Instructions here will differ slightly. Your current kitchen is ready for 6.1, but not 6.5. To resolve this, we are going to make a small edit.
1.Right click on BuildROM.cmd and choose edit. Locate this line:
G'Reloc -doit –dump
Change it to:
WMReloc.exe -gtemp\dump -lWMReloclog.txt
The next thing we need to do to make a 6.5 kitchen is to download another kitchen, so that we may port 6.5 to our devices. This is a lot of work, but here we go. I get my 6.5 stuff from here:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=474406 and http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=54678

Download the kitchen, and then unrar it. The files we will take from Da_G’s kitchen will be the SYS. I usually use the XIP too, but I am going to recommend that folks get a portable XIP from the ppcgeeks thread.

Phase 2--complete

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 07-27-2009 at 01:08 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

Porting 6.5 Phase 3

Find a xip to download, from the ppcgeeks thread. This is where we will be using XIP Kitchen. If its not already named as such, rename the downloaded xip to xip.bin, and copy it into the Donor_Bin folder of XIP kitchen. Take your xip.bin from CF03 that you extracted and drop it into the Device_Bin folder of XIP kitchen. Now it is time to start the porting process. Please note this is a largely automated process, and can go wrong. In those cases, another Donor xip must be used, or it must be manually ported, which will not be discussed here.
1. Start XIP kitchen by running XIPKitchen.exe.
2.Click the first button, Pick Device XIP and choose the xip.bin from CF03, located in the Device_Bin folder. Click open and wait for the green checkmark to appear next to the button in XIP Kitchen. Now, before doing anything else, go to the temp directory of XIP Kitchen, go to OEM subfolder, then Modules subfolder.
3.Locate the Lsomaclient.dll folder and text file. Copy the folder to a safe location and then delete it. Delete the text file as well. Close up these subfolders and go back to XIP kitchen.
4.Click Pick Donor XIP. Navigate to the donor 6.5 XIP and choose open. Wait for the green checkmark.
5.Depending on the donor XIP, there may be hd.dll or oxast.dll (sp) files, and they are optional to remove them. XIP Kitchen will show it as a choice to the right. Remove them if present. If not, go to next step.
6.Click Build New XIP. It will open several windows and then when it completes, will copy a newly ported XIP to the New_XIPs folder. Rename this to xip.bin and put it in the base of your 6.5 kitchen.
7.Delete the contents of your ROM folder in your kitchen, EXCEPT imgfs.src and dump.exe. Copy the new xip.bin to this folder and drag it to dump.exe to extract it.
8.Open shell.cmd at the base of the kitchen and type this line as seen: osnbtool –c os.nb 1 xip.bin then rename the os.nb.NEW file to replace the original os.nb.
9.Once this finishes, we have a newly ported 6.5 XIP. Now the hard work begins with the SYS.
10.Rename your SYS folder to SYSold. We will need some files from it.
11.Download the kitchen from the XDA link, and then unrar it.
12.Open the kitchen folder, then SYS, then the version number if there is one. Basically, drill down to the Shared folder. Take the 0409 folder contents and copy them into the COMMON folder.
13.Take the COMMON folder and copy it to the base of your kitchen, renaming it to SYS.
14.Delete from the new SYS: .ROM, .VM, and Metadata folders. Not all are always present. From your backup (SYSold), copy these folders into the new SYS. Also copy over the IRDA folders.
15.Delete the SIM_tkit folder. I’ll leave the rest of the trimming to you fine folks.
16.Now that we have the core system and language files, now we need WQVGA and QVGA resources. You can get those from Da_G’s thread on XDA. Same thing, copy them into the SYS. I don’t currently see a working link, so I will upload my copy of them.
17.Keep these resources handy, they tend to be more rare than the other stuff and finding replacement copies can be tough.
Phase 3--complete

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 07-31-2009 at 07:24 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

Trimming the Fat Phase 4
This next part I dislike the most, because it is so easy to overtrim and break something. A couple things to note. The extraction process for our ROM is not perfect, and as such, we lose out on the CSC, which contains carrier customizations and some system files for things like Samsung Online Widgets. Also, Touch Player and Media Album will not work—so you will need to download different versions. Remove these from your ROMs. The first step to use is not exactly the nicest tool, and it will break your ROM if you overdo it. This tool is called SYAKR.
1. Load the Syakr.exe from the base of the kitchen. This will load a GUI tool for you. The delete tab is obvious. Its for removing stuff. Beware—you can break your ROM easily here. Be careful what you remove. You are almost guaranteed to make some dud ROMs till you figure out what you can or cannot remove.
2.Config tab has some nifty options. The important one to use is “Don’t warn on unsigned cabs.”
3.Install tab is self explanatory.
4.Optimize tab—this will use UPX compression to save a ton of space and potentially speed up your rom. The safe thing to do is ignore this. It can break a good deal many things.
5.Customize and M2D tabs are self explanatory. Once ready with all your options, click Run Scripts.
6.This gives you a general scrubbing of your kitchen. To get into further detail, there are some tricks of the trade, but I am afraid you will need to do some homework on it, because its one of those learn along the way things. The initflashes.dat file in OEMDrivers contains clues on what some programs install as well as files associated. The rgu files you find scattered in the folders pertain to registry entries.
Phase 4--complete

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 07-27-2009 at 02:05 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

Building OEMs and Finally, Your ROM Phase 5
Building OEMs is a little bit of luck, trickery, and skill. There is not an easy answer to build all OEMs. If you can find working ones, all the better. I offer this tutorial on building OEMs, because it explains it better than I can. OEMs go into the OEM folder.
Remember that Lsomaclient.dll folder I told you to save? Now you need it. Take the recmod.exe tool from the Tools folder of your kitchen and drag the folder to it. This will convert the module to a dll. Open the Lsomaclient.dll folder, take that file, and copy it to your OEMApps folder.
Now, before building your ROM, you will need to recmod more stuff in SYS, due to us having a 6.1 kernel. Folders to recmod the modules in:
Adobe folders
Same process as before. Drag the .dll/.exe folders to the tool, and it will convert the module to its file format. Then take those files, and replace the modules in the appropriate folder with the files instead.
What I do is make a new folder in the folder I am recmodding stuff in. I recmod the modules, open the folders, and copy the dlls/exes to the new folder. Then I delete the module and copy the files in the new folder back to where the modules once were.

To build the rom:
1.Execute aaa_Click2Build.cmd. This brings up buildOS. Choose the OEM options you want, and then click the play button. Assuming there are no errors (there can be no duplicate names or filenames!), it will proceed to done.
2.Close BuildOS, which then continues the process. A command console will come up with a ton of files and messages flying by. Once done, it should say so—and a NewROM.bin file should be present in the base of your kitchen.
3.Rename it to Flash.bin and flash it with UMDL.
With any luck, you will have a working ROM!
This is a WIP, and is subject to change. I might have missed some things, but I don’t think so! Please refer to i900 building tutorials as well for more information.

Good luck and happy cooking!

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 07-27-2009 at 02:04 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2009, 01:08 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

nice Adryn
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:04 AM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

I've said it before; this should be a sticky....
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:08 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

Nice work Adrynalyne
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

This makes things so much easier. Thanks, Adryn.
Proud member of FA (Flashaholics Anonymous). Time since last flash: 10 minutes ago

  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 01:08 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

Wow. I think I'll leave the cooking to you Adryn. Thanks for the hard work.
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