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Old 07-27-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: Cooking on the Verizon Samsung Omnia SCH-i910

Trimming the Fat Phase 4
This next part I dislike the most, because it is so easy to overtrim and break something. A couple things to note. The extraction process for our ROM is not perfect, and as such, we lose out on the CSC, which contains carrier customizations and some system files for things like Samsung Online Widgets. Also, Touch Player and Media Album will not work—so you will need to download different versions. Remove these from your ROMs. The first step to use is not exactly the nicest tool, and it will break your ROM if you overdo it. This tool is called SYAKR.
1. Load the Syakr.exe from the base of the kitchen. This will load a GUI tool for you. The delete tab is obvious. Its for removing stuff. Beware—you can break your ROM easily here. Be careful what you remove. You are almost guaranteed to make some dud ROMs till you figure out what you can or cannot remove.
2.Config tab has some nifty options. The important one to use is “Don’t warn on unsigned cabs.”
3.Install tab is self explanatory.
4.Optimize tab—this will use UPX compression to save a ton of space and potentially speed up your rom. The safe thing to do is ignore this. It can break a good deal many things.
5.Customize and M2D tabs are self explanatory. Once ready with all your options, click Run Scripts.
6.This gives you a general scrubbing of your kitchen. To get into further detail, there are some tricks of the trade, but I am afraid you will need to do some homework on it, because its one of those learn along the way things. The initflashes.dat file in OEMDrivers contains clues on what some programs install as well as files associated. The rgu files you find scattered in the folders pertain to registry entries.
Phase 4--complete

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 07-27-2009 at 02:05 PM.
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