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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by kariya View Post
Agreed! They need a phone with a 3.6 inch screen with no keyboard. Hopefully in the Android flavor... Hero is too small of a screen for no keyboard... and Touch Pro 2 is well... the Touch pro 2.

Im kinda stuck though on what ever next gen phone that they allow SERO on...
I want the WM flavor.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 05:28 PM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by kariya View Post
Agreed! They need a phone with a 3.6 inch screen with no keyboard. Hopefully in the Android flavor... Hero is too small of a screen for no keyboard... and Touch Pro 2 is well... the Touch pro 2.

Im kinda stuck though on what ever next gen phone that they allow SERO on...
Because SERO has unlimited data, I am pretty sure that you should be able to add almost any device to your plan.
There was alot of info going around that unless you had an individual unlimited data plan, you were restricted to what devices you were allowed to add to your plan.
The data prerequisite never said you had to pay separately for data, just that you had to have unlimited data. Since SERO has unlimited data, I am pretty sure that fulfills the prerequisite required for having an unlimited data plan.
I am pretty sure this was true of the original SERO plans. I don't know if things have changed.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 06:41 PM
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Cool Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
Because SERO has unlimited data, I am pretty sure that you should be able to add almost any device to your plan.
I have the original SERO of $30 for 500 mins and unlimited everything else, incl. data. But Sprint has already not allowed anyone with SERO to get the Instinct or the Pre.

Im afraid that they will continue this practice on any new phone that they consider their "premium" phone.

I dont agree with their decision to screw over people that they allowed to get on this plan, especially when they are bleeding customers left and right even with the exclusivity of the PRE. I just dont think it is good business practice.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 07:17 PM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by kariya View Post
I have the original SERO of $30 for 500 mins and unlimited everything else, incl. data. But Sprint has already not allowed anyone with SERO to get the Instinct or the Pre.

Im afraid that they will continue this practice on any new phone that they consider their "premium" phone.

I dont agree with their decision to screw over people that they allowed to get on this plan, especially when they are bleeding customers left and right even with the exclusivity of the PRE. I just dont think it is good business practice.
I remember when the Instinct came out, and yes, they did place restrictions on what plan it could be activated on. That was the same time when they rolled out their Simply Everything plans. Which by the way, were way more expensive than the existing plans that peopled were on, especially if you had more than 1 line on your acount. Complete crap pulled by Sprint.
At the time, I said that the writing was on the wall regarding future restrictions. So far, the Pre has been the only other device restricted. I think to only an Everything Plan but I am not sure.
Sprint is trying to wean customers off the plans that are not profitable for Sprint which is wrong.
They figure if they place prerequisites on certain devices, people will pay more money for a different plan in order to purchase that device.
I think the opposite will happen, and customers will just go to another carrier. Sprint may not care if those customers leave though.
Not a good way to do business.
Hopefully you won't be restricted with newer devices. Time will tell.

Last edited by Biker1; 08-12-2009 at 07:22 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 02:58 AM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

I like that comment about Sprint bleeding customers and trying to retain a SERO plan, a plan that's obviously losing them money. LOL. Just think about what you said, you have a product, from a for profit company, and they have all these "just get them on board plans" for customer base numbers and stock holder satisfaction only, and you wonder why they're forcing you to actually get to a plan that makes them money. That's like the uncle who always is borrowing a dollar from you gets pissed when you finally put your foot down and say no. It's either you get slim pickens from phones, or you ante up and pay some cash for a plan with a phone that you want (no one is making you purchase it....). If you don't like it, you can always go pay full price plan at some other company and try to wrangle some discounts out of them, until they tell you the same thing. Vicious circle trying to hang on to a dollar then demand something extra. Go find useless complaints kid yourself. read that last sentence again, that's what I'm REALLY trying to say.

Nope, I just read a lot.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 07:12 AM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by slbailey1 View Post
Sprint needs a real good all touch phone without a keyboard!!
AMEN to that!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 07:15 AM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by kariya View Post
I have the original SERO of $30 for 500 mins and unlimited everything else, incl. data. But Sprint has already not allowed anyone with SERO to get the Instinct or the Pre.

Im afraid that they will continue this practice on any new phone that they consider their "premium" phone.

I dont agree with their decision to screw over people that they allowed to get on this plan, especially when they are bleeding customers left and right even with the exclusivity of the PRE. I just dont think it is good business practice.
1. How is this screwing you over?
2. Why should I subsidize you forever with my full-rate plan?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 11:19 AM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
I remember when the Instinct came out, and yes, they did place restrictions on what plan it could be activated on. That was the same time when they rolled out their Simply Everything plans. Which by the way, were way more expensive than the existing plans that peopled were on, especially if you had more than 1 line on your acount. Complete crap pulled by Sprint.
At the time, I said that the writing was on the wall regarding future restrictions. So far, the Pre has been the only other device restricted. I think to only an Everything Plan but I am not sure.
Sprint is trying to wean customers off the plans that are not profitable for Sprint which is wrong.
They figure if they place prerequisites on certain devices, people will pay more money for a different plan in order to purchase that device.
I think the opposite will happen, and customers will just go to another carrier. Sprint may not care if those customers leave though.
Not a good way to do business.
Hopefully you won't be restricted with newer devices. Time will tell.
I've shopped around on t-mo, at&t, and verizon, and to have the same rate plans (simply everything, and family share everything data plan with 1500 mins w/3 lines), with the same features (unlimited internet, and messaging), I would be paying about $100 more/month for 4 lines than I currently do on Sprint. I ain't switching until someone offers something better. I'd consider a pre-paid service, but as of now, I'm not going to another carrier, only to spend more money.

So, to say you are getting a better deal elsewhere is not always a true statement. It will depend on your current plan, and what you want from your wireless carrier.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by tokuzumi View Post
I've shopped around on t-mo, at&t, and verizon, and to have the same rate plans (simply everything, and family share everything data plan with 1500 mins w/3 lines), with the same features (unlimited internet, and messaging), I would be paying about $100 more/month for 4 lines than I currently do on Sprint. I ain't switching until someone offers something better. I'd consider a pre-paid service, but as of now, I'm not going to another carrier, only to spend more money.

So, to say you are getting a better deal elsewhere is not always a true statement. It will depend on your current plan, and what you want from your wireless carrier.
Do me a favor and don't put words in my post, so to speak.

I didn't say you will get a better deal elsewhere.
I said Sprint thinks that you will switch plans and pay more money just to get the new device.
Sometimes that can cost hundreds of dollars more per year (switching from one Sprint plan to another Sprint plan) compared to the Sprint plan some customers are currently on.
Some customers will just switch carriers if they feel Sprint is forcing the issue by limiting the choice of devices they have to choose from, just because they are on an older plan.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: Release Dates and Specs for Upcoming Smartphones Leaked

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
Do me a favor and don't put words in my post, so to speak.

I didn't say you will get a better deal elsewhere.
I said Sprint thinks that you will switch plans and pay more money just to get the new device.
Sometimes that can cost hundreds of dollars more per year (switching from one Sprint plan to another Sprint plan) compared to the Sprint plan some customers are currently on.
Some customers will just switch carriers if they feel Sprint is forcing the issue by limiting the choice of devices they have to choose from, just because they are on an older plan.
Sprint has no interest in keeping subscribers on the plans where they do not make money. I was previously on a Nextel employee plan, with a total price, with taxes of $12/mo. 2 years ago, I wanted to get off of the iDEN network, and go with a Sprint phone. I had to pay to play. That's what you have to do too. Sprint could kill the SERO plans tomorrow, and force everyone to another rate plan. They could tell you to either pay the new price, or leave.

If you put up the good fight, you will get an instinct, or pre on your SERO.

But this whole thread is pointless, as the link from the OP doesn't really tell much of anything, regarding release dates, or phone specs.
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