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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 12:25 PM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Nice, the TP2 in Canada. My Telus contract still has a year and half to go before I can upgrade though. By then, they'll have GSM or even LTE phones.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 10:51 PM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by TheRealHotshot View Post
Yea I'm fully prepared to pay 600+ for it got the money ready to buy it,32gb card when it comes out,htc leather case,money to cancel tmobile contract if they don't let me out it so I'm good and I've always tried to get the latest greatest when it drops if its better than what I got now and IMO the tp2 will be better than tp for me(keyword before someone pops up showing me how the y the same I know this ) so I gotta have it.
*SideNote!* thanks lol I play halo3 and cod a lot...my fileshare is full of my Krayz kills on halo3 I have a ton kinda rusty but wouldn't take long to get the "spree" back up
Like I mentioned in a previous post a month or two ago, I won't complain too much about the price. Sprint has gone above and beyond when it came to taking care of me and my two lines. They took care of me when I had my two 6700's, two 6800's and my touchpro and diamond so for once I can comfortably say that I will return the favor and just pay full price for the touch pro 2. Even though I am on my 4th touch pro I am not going to try to get something for nothing like alot of other people on here will probably try to do but I guess thats ok depending on the situation.

P.S. I play quite a bit of halo3 as well as cod4 but recently I have been so busy traveling for my job

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2009, 11:20 PM
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Cool Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
Like I mentioned in a previous post a month or two ago, I won't complain too much about the price. Sprint has gone above and beyond when it came to taking care of me and my two lines. They took care of me when I had my two 6700's, two 6800's and my touchpro and diamond so for once I can comfortably say that I will return the favor and just pay full price for the touch pro 2. Even though I am on my 4th touch pro I am not going to try to get something for nothing like alot of other people on here will probably try to do but I guess thats ok depending on the situation.

P.S. I play quite a bit of halo3 as well as cod4 but recently I have been so busy traveling for my job
Yea I been with sprint like 10+ years and they treated me well plus I don't have no problem with paying full price if I got the money which I do

And yea I be on halo3 and cod4 a lot when I can be but I'm traveling for a lil bit of work and fun so haven't been on much myself
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2009, 03:57 PM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by basilray View Post
It hurts my heart knowing Canada will be getting the Touch Pro 2 before the US.

Lucky Canucks.

Ahh Yeahh.

That's 2 years in a row that we get the much anticipated HTC before you Yanks! I was one of the first in North America to get the (CDMA) Diamond, as Telus got the Diamond first. (and I had one on reserve in my T.O. corporate store!)....its not just maple syrup up here

...but as always, the Euros really take the cake on the awesome WinMo Device front....

I'm really hoping that it's not over $600 though. T'would stink a large one.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 07:04 AM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by searcher61 View Post

We’re hearing $249.99 for the Touch Pro2.

Ah Fcuk, that means they are goint to list it for atlease $649.00. I was hoping less, cause Telus just gave me a $300.00 credit. If I knew this before I would have asked for more
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 08:09 AM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by O'Neil Mitchell View Post
Ah Fcuk, that means they are goint to list it for atlease $649.00. I was hoping less, cause Telus just gave me a $300.00 credit. If I knew this before I would have asked for more
haha you should always ask for more!

GAWD I hope it's not going for 649.... mighty steep! Hell, I could buy a new laptop for that much.

Although the most recent rumours say it'll go for $549, the Tour just came out @ 229 with a buyout of 599... that sounds just in line with what you're saying. Crap.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 09:53 AM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by joeball88 View Post
haha you should always ask for more!

GAWD I hope it's not going for 649.... mighty steep! Hell, I could buy a new laptop for that much.

Although the most recent rumours say it'll go for $549, the Tour just came out @ 229 with a buyout of 599... that sounds just in line with what you're saying. Crap.
I hope your right brother, I didn't want to have to sell my Diamond. I want to keep it as a backup
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 11:19 AM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Touch Pro is good enough for now... Touch Pro 2 isn't a upgrade... all it has is a bigger screen... and new features on the ROM... once the phone comes out, most of the apps would be ported to Touch Pro since they would be compat.. same processor, same memory specs... if they there getting TOuch HD.. I be up for that...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 11:29 AM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by jax2k3 View Post
Touch Pro is good enough for now... Touch Pro 2 isn't a upgrade... all it has is a bigger screen... and new features on the ROM... once the phone comes out, most of the apps would be ported to Touch Pro since they would be compat.. same processor, same memory specs... if they there getting TOuch HD.. I be up for that...
you are right all the apps will be ported over so its not the features that are making people upgrade its the bigger screen. thats the only reason. But even going to an touch hd isn't an upgrade either because any app on that phone will be ported out also, plus you loose your keyboard. I don't think i could consider the touch hd an upgrade.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 11:34 AM
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Re: TELUS launching the BlackBerry Tour and HTC Snap on July 15th, Touch Pro2 on the

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
you are right all the apps will be ported over so its not the features that are making people upgrade its the bigger screen. thats the only reason. But even going to an touch hd isn't an upgrade either because any app on that phone will be ported out also, plus you loose your keyboard. I don't think i could consider the touch hd an upgrade.
Mind you, For us diamond users, it is definitely an upgrade...

Bigger screen, slide/tilt KB, more ROM, no crappy d-pad, HSPA compatibility (for Telus' new network, woo) and a legit wm6.5 upgrade (to come soon)

count me in
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