Originally Posted by themuffinman
Like I mentioned in a previous post a month or two ago, I won't complain too much about the price. Sprint has gone above and beyond when it came to taking care of me and my two lines. They took care of me when I had my two 6700's, two 6800's and my touchpro and diamond so for once I can comfortably say that I will return the favor and just pay full price for the touch pro 2. Even though I am on my 4th touch pro I am not going to try to get something for nothing like alot of other people on here will probably try to do but I guess thats ok depending on the situation.
P.S. I play quite a bit of halo3 as well as cod4 but recently I have been so busy traveling for my job
Yea I been with sprint like 10+ years and they treated me well plus I don't have no problem with paying full price if I got the money which I do
And yea I be on halo3 and cod4 a lot when I can be but I'm traveling for a lil bit of work and fun so haven't been on much myself