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View Poll Results: Do you think WinMo Will Survive?
Yes 125 86.21%
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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:48 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
Your right.....but your saying google won't code for all the mobile browsers on WM if they get the chance? lol...they didn't stop them from doing it on every Browser for Windows

Google is an almost trillion dollar industry, they will do whatever it takes to keep making more and more money....but Seriously, who cares about ads? It's only on Google.com from what they show, just use Yahoo then....

I mean, Windows has ads all over the f'ing place and you still use that, right?
There will be ads for anything that the person creating the app wants to put in there. Not just google ads. They pay google for the advertisement though. And your reason for believing that google will succeed is my exact reason for believing windows will succeed. They have the money to do so.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:55 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
There will be ads for anything that the person creating the app wants to put in there. Not just google ads. They pay google for the advertisement though. And your reason for believing that google will succeed is my exact reason for believing windows will succeed. They have the money to do so.
Google has more than Microsoft will ever have now.....idk why you back Microsoft so much, but ever since Bill Gates left it which was around 2005 (I know you'll say he retire last year or some crap, but if you really read around he started his retirement in 2005, he didn't even work on Vista....the new CEO was the one in charge of it, Bill Gates last worked on XP and that was it) I stopped liking Windows as much as I did. They have lost alot alot of money off stuff they have produced, but they can afford to do so....but Google is coming in with this new OS that has alot more firepower and wealth then Microsoft does, and with a Community that can support it, unlike WM, it will continue to become the best....thats my prediction

Also all of you, especially you Young.....if you haven't been looking around at the Rumored WM7 images, it incorporates nothing about 6.5....

What's the difference between 6.1 and 6.5?
1. Today Screen - Well WM7 got rid of it
2. Enlarge Start Menu - Again, they changed it
3. Finger Friendly Menu Popups - Well wasn't this expected in WM7?
4. New Look - Pfft....please WM7 has an entirely different look so 6.5 is irrelevant
5. O last but not least, Stability and Speed - Yea right, 6.1 is more stable then that (I know it's a beta) but WM7 is an entirely different SYS

So really...the main differences in 6.5 and 6.1 are not even in WM7, so what is the point? Since you say that 6.5 is incorporated in 7?

Last edited by Whosdaman; 07-02-2009 at 04:03 PM.
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:58 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

The iphone is just a Nintendo DSi with a phone, while windows based phones are pointed towards old more mature business types. I have an itouch and I find most of the things on it pointless, I go through the app store and see some of the dumbest things. But hey you buy what you like but why do people on PPC blast Winmo phones but yet have one? Go to iphonegeeks.com
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 04:02 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Sparkz914 View Post
The iphone is just a Nintendo DSi with a phone, while windows based phones are pointed towards old more mature business types. I have an itouch and I find most of the things on it pointless, I go through the app store and see some of the dumbest things. But hey you buy what you like but why do people on PPC blast Winmo phones but yet have one? Go to iphonegeeks.com
my point exactly and facts have already been laid out for this guy but he will continue to argue. Microsoft isn't going anywhere anytime soon. They invented what we know as the PC and set the standards for smartphones. Say what you want they know what they are doing.
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 04:05 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
my point exactly and facts have already been laid out for this guy but he will continue to argue. Microsoft isn't going anywhere anytime soon. They invented what we know as the PC and set the standards for smartphones. Say what you want they know what they are doing.
lol did I say anything about iPhone? and I believe your the one that continues to argue....I ended the arguement, well me and gator did we were going to just wait and see what happens and instead your ignorant butt comes in here and starts talking again

But like I said where did I say iPhone....I hate the iPhone so y'all can't read I've said this about 5 or 6 times.....bunch of idiots here, really? Read before you post
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
my point exactly and facts have already been laid out for this guy but he will continue to argue. Microsoft isn't going anywhere anytime soon. They invented what we know as the PC and set the standards for smartphones. Say what you want they know what they are doing.
Originally Posted by Sparkz914 View Post
The iphone is just a Nintendo DSi with a phone, while windows based phones are pointed towards old more mature business types. I have an itouch and I find most of the things on it pointless, I go through the app store and see some of the dumbest things. But hey you buy what you like but why do people on PPC blast Winmo phones but yet have one? Go to iphonegeeks.com

how can you guys compare the iphone to the DSi to the iPhone? the iphone came out way before the DSi so..
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Hold on a sec here. I merely stated that we will have to see what WM7 brings us because I personally have'nt seen it or used it. I never stopped the arguing!! lol.....

Now, dude, Don't come in here and lamblast other members and call names. That makes you just as guilty. young Breedent has contributed to this community 10 fold, not by being ignorant, but by being smart. Besides, he didn't curse you did he? It seems that your just ticked off at the fact that we don't agree with you. That's what makes this country great. freedom of choice, speech(for the most part), and expressions. We value your opinion but not in the manner you put it too Young Breedent.

Now, Google will NEVER destroy M$ in the mobile market or even in the PC market. Yes, there are ads on the net, in IE 6,7,8, but do you think google is the only ad marketeer in the world? no. Besides, M$ NEVER places ads on anything purchased. That's what makes google different. Everything is free so they have to generate revenue. Google's new google voice is free....but you have to purchase some sort of ad from them. From what I read, Every time you make or recieve a call, it tells the other person what you are using to make the call. That is totally rediculous. I will sit, and watch, and laugh at all the google trends fall apart while M$ is still powering my mobile PPC. And no, My OS on both my PPC and PC have no ads. It does on the internet, but the ads are site specific whether you use chrome, IE, Firefox, or Safari! But what makes it different is that Google is planning ads at the top of the browser, no matter what site you visit like a ticker tape. And even ads in apps you install.
Just Brilliant, Quietly....

Last edited by gator352; 07-02-2009 at 07:40 PM.
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 07:47 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by jake044 View Post
how can you guys compare the iphone to the DSi to the iPhone? the iphone came out way before the DSi so..
Naw, you can't really compare them. DSi is much better even tho it's not a phone! LOL!
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 07:58 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
Hold on a sec here. I merely stated that we will have to see what WM7 brings us because I personally have'nt seen it or used it. I never stopped the arguing!! lol.....

Now, dude, Don't come in here and lamblast other members and call names. That makes you just as guilty. young Breedent has contributed to this community 10 fold, not by being ignorant, but by being smart. Besides, he didn't curse you did he? It seems that your just ticked off at the fact that we don't agree with you. That's what makes this country great. freedom of choice, speech(for the most part), and expressions. We value your opinion but not in the manner you put it too Young Breedent.

Now, Google will NEVER destroy M$ in the mobile market or even in the PC market. Yes, there are ads on the net, in IE 6,7,8, but do you think google is the only ad marketeer in the world? no. Besides, M$ NEVER places ads on anything purchased. That's what makes google different. Everything is free so they have to generate revenue. Google's new google voice is free....but you have to purchase some sort of ad from them. From what I read, Every time you make or recieve a call, it tells the other person what you are using to make the call. That is totally rediculous. I will sit, and watch, and laugh at all the google trends fall apart while M$ is still powering my mobile PPC. And no, My OS on both my PPC and PC have no ads. It does on the internet, but the ads are site specific whether you use chrome, IE, Firefox, or Safari! But what makes it different is that Google is planning ads at the top of the browser, no matter what site you visit like a ticker tape. And even ads in apps you install.
Ahhh see I didn't see that in the video...the video shows it in Google only, not everywhere

If that is true, then that's my mistake and I would hate that as well.....and just because you know Young breed and follow what he does doesn't mean he's better then me, I have contributed to this community much more then he has

Besides the point, where did I curse him? Did I miss this? Still I will say read before you post....

(When I said bunch of idiots here, I was meaning that really does someone have to be that dumb to keep bringing up the same thing over and over when they know they are wrong....because so far your best defense has been the ads, which I will give you cause that will be sad, and to just go to another website, or get another device.....well I'm not against WM, just the people who think WM is the only think out there and nothing else can touch it....again I will say I hate the iPhone, but my god is YoungBreed brings up again to go to another website or forum or buy something else....well idk even know what ill do, but say wow)

Also another defense you guy have had was that the time spent on 6.5 was because it will be incorporated with WM7.....well no it's not, so they are wasting time working on it....then you say thing get old quick, so why waste the time on 6.5 when it going to be old after a week? Then you said that they have separate teams working on WM7 and 6.5, well then how are they incorporating 6.5 and 7 together if they aren't working together? lol....all of y'alls points contradict each other

But then again, I'm a one man band over here trying to back up my reason....

Last edited by Whosdaman; 07-02-2009 at 08:05 PM.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 08:06 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
Just remember this, WM has been around for 10 years now....iPhone has been around for 3....and it's already surp***** WM imo, and there's 1 thing that stands are among iPhone and WM

WM can't get it right the first time so they have to bring a new build out of 6.1 and 6.5 every week, given 6.5 isn't completely finished, but my god at the rate it's going it will be in the 24***'s before it's even close to being finished

iPhone 3.0 is amazing, and 4.0 will be the beginning of 4G I would think....but that will come after Sprint gets it
I do believe this is where you mentioned the Iphone Whosdaman.
Maybe you should read before you post!!!
hahahaha. :P :P :P :P :P
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