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View Poll Results: Do you think WinMo Will Survive?
Yes 125 86.21%
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

WM 7 ground breaking? I think not.....Especially since they are forcing everyone to buy a new device for it, just so they can make more money are a probably horrible OS (Remember Vista?) Who is to say the Mobile version will be great? Everyone hated WM6, thus the reason for the quick coming 6.1

Now MS is on it's last leg, Windows 7 is suppose to be the last of the PC OS's from MS....and the reason being, it is a Streamlined Vista and everything around it has already moved on to something better

Snow Leopard, Millions of Linux OS's, and even the new Android (which is Unix based I know) are passing Windows with stride, and that's the only thing that MS is making money off of is it's PC users, but why buy something if you can get another thing that is better for free??? Windows < Unix

Linux has increased it's users from 15% to 27% in the past 2 years, and is expected to hit 50% next year.....Once HP finally makes the decision to drop Windows from it's lineup for Android, it's over for MS and WM, hell even MAC is beating Windows, it's the #1 selling Laptop, that's why you see all the commercials for Windows....but you see the MAC commercials which make alot more sense....

You will say that I'm on a completely different subject, but I'm not if MS fails, WM will fail as well.....and I believe people will stop buying a crappy WM and Windows OS to get a Stable, fast, and better potentialof a Unix based OS
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 06:06 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
It's too true.....Microsoft is fighting a lost cause by making WM. It's so far behind it unbeileveable. Compared to the iPhones App Store, Verizon new App Store, and Palm and Blackberry support and now Touch Screen flexibility....Windows Mobile is just now trying to create their own App Store, they are making 6.5, when Windows Mobile 7 is coming right after this? Why waste the time making 6.5 when you could be fully working on 7?

Just makes no sense and they will fail....
WinMo will survive because at the end of the day it is still ahead of the curve when compared to: OSX (Iphone), Symbian (Nokia), Palm, WebOS, Blackberry, Danger (Sidekick).

Really, what more can the Iphone add, the last 3 phones have been incremental updates at best and the Iphone 3G update to 3.0 makes it basically the same phone as the Iphone 3G S except that the 3G S has more memory options and longer battery and is supposed to be faster for data, but its contingent upon ATT's towers which makes it the data speed just as fast as the 3G.

Also WinMo has many manufactures worldwide using these phones and many industries are heavily dependant based on the Windows Mobile device from Construction, Target and other retail stores, Health care, Cable companies, etc, etc., etc. Next time the cable guy comes to your house or you see someone in a retail store doing inventory chances are they are using a Windows Mobile device with an IR scanner/barcode reader

In terms of App stores, I could really care less about an app store as long as I can go on other sites, XDA, Winmo, and PPC Geeks and find whatever I want, donate, pay for ,or get apps and ROMS for free where I can use a new phone every month with a ROM Update. Something the Other Operating systems are not able to do yet. Plus all companies use Microsoft Exchange Server which makes WinMo relevant.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 06:07 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
WM 7 ground breaking? I think not.....Especially since they are forcing everyone to buy a new device for it, just so they can make more money are a probably horrible OS (Remember Vista?) Who is to say the Mobile version will be great? Everyone hated WM6, thus the reason for the quick coming 6.1

Now MS is on it's last leg, Windows 7 is suppose to be the last of the PC OS's from MS....and the reason being, it is a Streamlined Vista and everything around it has already moved on to something better

Snow Leopard, Millions of Linux OS's, and even the new Android (which is Unix based I know) are passing Windows with stride, and that's the only thing that MS is making money off of is it's PC users, but why buy something if you can get another thing that is better for free??? Windows < Unix

Linux has increased it's users from 15% to 27% in the past 2 years, and is expected to hit 50% next year.....Once HP finally makes the decision to drop Windows from it's lineup for Android, it's over for MS and WM, hell even MAC is beating Windows, it's the #1 selling Laptop, that's why you see all the commercials for Windows....but you see the MAC commercials which make alot more sense....

You will say that I'm on a completely different subject, but I'm not if MS fails, WM will fail as well.....and I believe people will stop buying a crappy WM and Windows OS to get a Stable, fast, and better potentialof a Unix based OS
You are waaaaayyyyyy off my dude name one major corporation you know that use MAC's?????? Yeah im still waiting. That's right slim to NONE. Microsfot HAS and will ALWAYS dominate on a corporate level. They have to change the way they play the game as times are changing but hey thats what happens with technology. Vista was a damn good operating system IMO. And i have Windows 7 installed on my desktop at home and LOVE it. You sound like an apple fan boy forreal. I'm suprised you are even a member of this community. The most popular computers right now are those cheap 199 computers they are selling ( i can't remember what they call them) and guess what operating system they are running? Windows vista. More people have pc's versus mac's and that is just a fact. Once you realize that Microsoft is just SOFTWARE you will realize that they are not going anywhere. The only thing that will change is the people who make there HARDWARE. That why with windows mobile 7 they are having more strict requirments as to the hardware to make sure the user experience is as it should be. You are definitely entitled to your opininon but to act as if Microsoft is some little lost puupy is WAAAAYYY far fetched.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 06:15 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
WM 7 ground breaking? I think not.....Especially since they are forcing everyone to buy a new device for it, just so they can make more money are a probably horrible OS (Remember Vista?) Who is to say the Mobile version will be great? Everyone hated WM6, thus the reason for the quick coming 6.1

Now MS is on it's last leg, Windows 7 is suppose to be the last of the PC OS's from MS....and the reason being, it is a Streamlined Vista and everything around it has already moved on to something better

Snow Leopard, Millions of Linux OS's, and even the new Android (which is Unix based I know) are passing Windows with stride, and that's the only thing that MS is making money off of is it's PC users, but why buy something if you can get another thing that is better for free??? Windows < Unix

Linux has increased it's users from 15% to 27% in the past 2 years, and is expected to hit 50% next year.....Once HP finally makes the decision to drop Windows from it's lineup for Android, it's over for MS and WM, hell even MAC is beating Windows, it's the #1 selling Laptop, that's why you see all the commercials for Windows....but you see the MAC commercials which make alot more sense....

You will say that I'm on a completely different subject, but I'm not if MS fails, WM will fail as well.....and I believe people will stop buying a crappy WM and Windows OS to get a Stable, fast, and better potentialof a Unix based OS
What?? ok, you must be getting your news from maximummac or something. I agree with young breedent that we are in for a treat with win7. sure we may have to buy a new phone but that goes with the territory. Sometimes with new software, you have to update the hardware for the latest and greatest and best user experience. That's just the way it is.

As for Windows 7 being the last OS for PC's, are you kidding? And MAC is not beating windows. Where are you getting this stuff? MAC commercials are the most annoying commercials on TV. Justin Long needs to have his head caved in for doing them! I will agree Android (linux) is going to gain ground, but beat out WM? NA, never. Oh and google Linux/unix...it's more like 5%. Apple is at 15% in PC usage.

You seem to want WM and MS to fail and that's ok. Just go and tell it in the MAC, Linux, and Android forums. Not here. But it is your right.....
Just Brilliant, Quietly....

Last edited by gator352; 07-01-2009 at 06:26 PM.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 06:28 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Not to be funny but was I one of the 30 ppl who liked/never had a problem with vista??? Runs great on my new HP laptop but back on topic winmo is here to stay. Winmo FTW
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 06:31 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Young breedent, I have one of those 199 machines...it's called a netbook! Well, mine here is an acer aspire one and it cost me 329 and it's running winXP. Dude, this little thing is awsome. It came standard with a 6 cell batt, and I get almost 7 hours of usage. Also it has a 1.6Ghz Atom and 2GB ram. does exactly what I need it to do without firing up my main PC.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 06:34 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Not_A_Stain View Post
Not to be funny but was I one of the 30 ppl who liked/never had a problem with vista??? Runs great on my new HP laptop but back on topic winmo is here to stay. Winmo FTW
LOL! I love vista. I dual boot Vista SP2 and XP on my main PC and XP on my netbook. I have never had a prob with vista either. But I have pre-ordered Windows 7 just to have it. At 50 bucks, you can't go wrong.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 07:37 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

LOL.....where in my whole statement did it make me seem like a Apple Fan boy?

You know why the Corperate level use Windows? Cause it was first....DUH!!! But once they realize that the free Unix based OS's are better than Windows, they will switch to them....don't worry I guess yall didn't read that HP was considering using Android for Netbooks (http://news.digitaltrends.com/talk-b...ut-to-reignite), but in the end they changed their minds cause people are TOO use to Windows, but like I said 27% of PC users today use a Unix based OS, and soon it will be 50%....

So unless you can show me proof that Windows 7 is suppose to be theis ground breaking earth shattering OS for both PC and WM, then I will not say they have a chance, cause right now....I've used WM7 and so have a few others around me that have made their own Unix OS and they hated it, and they called it a streamlined Vista

BTW I'm using XP right now....downgraded from Vista, sorry I needed my "Printer"
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 07:39 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
You are waaaaayyyyyy off my dude name one major corporation you know that use MAC's?????? Yeah im still waiting. That's right slim to NONE. Microsfot HAS and will ALWAYS dominate on a corporate level. They have to change the way they play the game as times are changing but hey thats what happens with technology. Vista was a damn good operating system IMO. And i have Windows 7 installed on my desktop at home and LOVE it. You sound like an apple fan boy forreal. I'm suprised you are even a member of this community. The most popular computers right now are those cheap 199 computers they are selling ( i can't remember what they call them) and guess what operating system they are running? Windows vista. More people have pc's versus mac's and that is just a fact. Once you realize that Microsoft is just SOFTWARE you will realize that they are not going anywhere. The only thing that will change is the people who make there HARDWARE. That why with windows mobile 7 they are having more strict requirments as to the hardware to make sure the user experience is as it should be. You are definitely entitled to your opininon but to act as if Microsoft is some little lost puupy is WAAAAYYY far fetched.
And you need to get it right, netbooks are #1 selling right now, but MAcbook's are still outselling every Laptop PC has to offer

Still I say prove to me that Windows is headed in the right direction with Windows 7 from an unbiased source
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 07:42 PM
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Re: Will Windows Mobile Be There In The Future?

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
And you need to get it right, netbooks are #1 selling right now, but MAcbook's are still outselling every Laptop PC has to offer

Still I say prove to me that Windows is headed in the right direction with Windows 7 from an unbiased source
you made my point dude i said those little 199 computer that i CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT THEY ARE CALLED lol. You were the one that said mac is the leader lol
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