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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:30 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Th TP 2 looks great i see my new phone
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:31 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Higher rez
Bigger Screen
Tilt screen
Better Speakerphone

Ugly as sin IPhoney look
EVEN LESS Hardware Buttons
Same specs as TP overall
No light

I will likely wait for the TP3. This is sad. They are rushing them out too quickly. Hopefully the TP3 will release with WM7 and a 5MP camera. An 800x~600 res, faster processor, more RAM and ROM. Support for the new SD standard coming up. A useful D-Pad. That would rock.
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:31 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC


"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:33 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Threads merged.

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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:33 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Originally Posted by pdx77 View Post
Probably not, hell people from here were able to put WM 6.1 on the Apache, so anything is possible.. but our current phones do not have the windows key so that right there would stop any type of official release to our current devices:


Well, I'm pretty sure we'll be seing something workable come out of XDA, or somewhere. I'd like to comment more, but I don't know much about WM's previous releases.
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Is anyone else worried about the size of this thing. I thought the whole idea about phones are to make them smaller and more powerful. None of which this does over the original Touch Pro. Not to say that the Touch Pro is a "brick" but it is def. hitting the upper limit on the size of a phone I want in my pocket. Anything bigger in my pocket will start bringing back 6700 memories.

Like everyone on here, I am all in favor of having a larger screen but there are plenty of other things that HTC is avoiding by releasing this phone. It seems that HTC is more worried about pushing out the latest/greatest phone and is not putting any quality back into existing products.
6700 - 6800 - Touch - Diamond - Touch Pro - Touch Pro 2 - Arrive
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:54 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Originally Posted by want2tokyo View Post
Is anyone else worried about the size of this thing. I thought the whole idea about phones are to make them smaller and more powerful. None of which this does over the original Touch Pro. Not to say that the Touch Pro is a "brick" but it is def. hitting the upper limit on the size of a phone I want in my pocket. Anything bigger in my pocket will start bringing back 6700 memories.

Like everyone on here, I am all in favor of having a larger screen but there are plenty of other things that HTC is avoiding by releasing this phone. It seems that HTC is more worried about pushing out the latest/greatest phone and is not putting any quality back into existing products.
I'm not even sure it's latest/greatest- From a somewhat lay perspective, full phone screens aren't that unheard of- I've gotten some comments on mine being 'small'. and since there is no new hardware, and the phones described have similar batteries I'm guessing the TP2's size increase is due to it's hinge?

I'm not going to be sticking with the TP line when it comes time to upgrade my phone, it looks like.. though that's a good time away, htc*might* redeem themselves with the next set of devices. or the next

I'm half tempted to suggest an internet-boycott campaign for these devices. I looked alot into the TP before i bought it-found reviews that were pretty positive, etc. Got it, found xda with their mammoth 'tp performance' thread, and it's only got worse. These phones are also getting a good bit of mostly positive press hype, what i've seen. Should try to point out that preformance will be the same or worse, battery life,etc. Try to get htc to update their hardware.

Of course, an internet protest may have all the effect of a fart in a paper bag. It'd be nice to persuade people to go with the older phones, or to keep their current ones though.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 02:56 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
Guys! Relax. Put it this way.... is .8 increase of the screen worth a little below 600 dollars? The Pro2 is lacking a flashlight and its a slightly bigger phone with .8 increase of LCD display. Thats it. Nothing else. So is it worth 600 dollars for a slightly bigger screen? Remember.. HTC is still screwing everyone with no display drivers just like the mogul,diamond,touch,Pro and soo on. SO for me... I will skip this and I am happy with the PRo as of now. I will wait for the next Pro3 and see if it has Drivers. I will not buy no more HTC until the Driver issue is resolved. And we should all do that. Lets get HTC to ship us the freaking lazer beam drivers! I am sick of this crapp al;lreasdy.
1000000% agree

what else are you getting beside the wvga?

same processor
same camera
same ram/rom
no flash

I mean cmon itll be mid-2009, wheres the Tegra? wheres 1gb onboard? Wheres the flash? Why a 3.2mp camera and not increasing that especially when the Diamond2 has 5mp? But theyll gladyl charge $600 for a rehash with a tiny bit bigger screen.

Seems HTC is going down the bad path apple went down of caring more about it being pretty than functional. I agree I wont be buying another HTC until they step it up in terms of specs and function, not making it a fashion statement. Furthermore, Qualcomm processors are unacceptable and I refuse to buy another HTC/Qualcomm debacle.
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: HTC Announces Touch Diamond 2 & Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by Existentialism View Post
Higher rez
Bigger Screen
Tilt screen
Better Speakerphone

Ugly as sin IPhoney look
EVEN LESS Hardware Buttons
Same specs as TP overall
No video out ( cant find it on the Spec sheet)

I will likely wait for the TP3.
Agree. Here is my pros and cons.


Bigger Screen
Tilt Screen
High Rez screen
Better speaker (dual Speaker I think. But does it work as stereo?)
Bigger KB keys.


very similar CPU. ( means same crap driver issue)
Same ol camera 3.2 (diamond2 gets a 5mp)
Bigger KB keys means less keys
No more FLASH
Bigger Phone overall
Everything else is pretty much our current Touch Pro.
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 03:06 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Originally Posted by want2tokyo View Post
It seems that HTC is more worried about pushing out the latest/greatest phone and is not putting any quality back into existing products.
Since the Apache, yes.

But then again, they're kinda forced to do that to keep any interest at all in their phones, since MS isn't providing any positive marketing buzz, and they're competing with three phones (android, with themselves noless!) that are getting *all* the buzz)

I'd crank out new versions every 6 months too if I were them.
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