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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 12:48 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

Originally Posted by sHockz View Post
im like you, i like the official stuff. not to diss no2chem or dcd, i just dont like to take the risks of flashing. i flashed enough xbox's in my day to know that 1 out of every 10 flashes doesnt go your way even if you do them all exactly the same...
Use the VetVito ROM. All the stock stuff plus WM6.1 and lots of free RAM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 01:03 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

I was afraid to flash my phone at first too... it's a normal feeling. But about an hour later I thought about it and decided I was going to go for it. I even had a problem the first time and got stuck in bootloader... but read a few more threads and got myself out of it. If you really want to open your Mogul to all that it is capable of, and get the latest version of WM, go for it.

As for the official release of WM 6.1 on April 1, that makes no sense at all. I mean, c'mon, wouldn't it have made more sense for the Easter Bunny to bring it all to us in our baskets last weekend?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

i too was nervous the first time i flashed a non-official rom (back when i had the apache), and then i was nervous again the first time i flashed to my mogul because the process was so different from how it was done on the 6700... you just have to realize that it's a continual learning experience adapting to new technology... right now as we speak i'm learning how to compile my very own custom rom using basekits ect....

bottomline is that i never would've known what i know now, if i was too scared to move from the kiddie pool where my feet could still touch the ground and swim in the deep end.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 02:32 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

Originally Posted by jason25 View Post
All I was looking for was the 3.35 ROM with WM6.1.
That's EXACTLY what I'm looking for too...

Originally Posted by hippity.hoppity View Post
Use the VetVito ROM. All the stock stuff plus WM6.1 and lots of free RAM.
So is VetVito's ROM have all the stock sprint stuff AND WM6.1 as opposed to 6.0? If so, that'll be AWESOME. I'm searching now...

Here's the VetVito thread if anyone else is interested:

Much thanks...

Last edited by billyman; 03-26-2008 at 02:42 PM.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 02:57 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

Unless you REALLY REALLY need threaded text messaging don't bother flashing to 6.1. The zoom feature in IE is ridiculous if not funny. It's a joke. There are many many browsers out there that do realistic and functional zooming. Picsel browser, skyfire, opera and I'm sure a whole lot more.

The whole idea of flashing to 6.1 is a placebo effect. I think there is a reason why it's a.1 upgrade, it's just not worth it.

Flashing is easy and you are hard pressed to brick your device even if you try. I've been using windows mobile since Pocket PC 2000 and have seen the OS grow. Have also done my fair share of flashing thanks to the great brains on XDA-Dev but for those on the fence about flashing to 6.1, take it from me; don't waste your precious 10 mins of life on it.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 03:31 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

most of what makes 6.1 worthy of upgrade is some of the changes done to the back end, it wont be noticable in the graphics or UI or the bells and whistles -- and no threaded sms, and zooming in pie are not the only offerings of 6.1 -- but you can rest assured there is no placebo effect...

Last edited by InvincibleLiving; 03-26-2008 at 03:34 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 03:52 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

it only takes 10 mins to flash?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 03:57 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

Originally Posted by alabij View Post
Unless you REALLY REALLY need threaded text messaging don't bother flashing to 6.1. The zoom feature in IE is ridiculous if not funny. It's a joke. There are many many browsers out there that do realistic and functional zooming. Picsel browser, skyfire, opera and I'm sure a whole lot more.

The whole idea of flashing to 6.1 is a placebo effect. I think there is a reason why it's a.1 upgrade, it's just not worth it.

Flashing is easy and you are hard pressed to brick your device even if you try. I've been using windows mobile since Pocket PC 2000 and have seen the OS grow. Have also done my fair share of flashing thanks to the great brains on XDA-Dev but for those on the fence about flashing to 6.1, take it from me; don't waste your precious 10 mins of life on it.

I completely disagree dude! Memory management and device responsiveness have both been improved upon from 6.0 to 6.1...although I don't know if any thorough quantitative testing has been done to establish the memory management point. Total available memory may look to be lower at first blush but the current belief is that the 6.1 OS is caching and managing in the background.

This still can be a pain when certain programs don't realize this and as such expect an absolute number for available memory (e.g. a program will not even launch if it detects that, say, 5 megs of memory is not openly available, regardless of how WM6.1 will allocate it). Does that make any sense?

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

I'm probably one of only a small number of people who needs the IR to work, and I'm hoping for the official to come out as it doesn't work with the 6.1 ROMs that are out right now. (I dive and my dive computer uses IR to communicate with the ppc and load my dive log)
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 06:33 PM
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Re: Windows 6.1 coming on April 1st?

Like a lot of you, I was going to wait on the offical release of WM6.1 like I did with the official ROM 3.35. I called Sprint, talked to a senior tech support rep about a problem I was having with EVDO on my Mogul. While on the phone I asked him about picture mail, he stated a solution was being looked into but had no idea when it would be available. When asked about WM 6.1, he informed me that it would be released the 4th quarter of this year. So take if for whats it worth. So, October? November? or December?
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