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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 12:17 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

As long as Sprint keeps up with this line of work:


They are on the up and up as far as I can tell. Look for this new app to morph into "voicemail2email" real soon.
I no longer control this device, it controls me.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 12:25 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

Originally Posted by dmaldo View Post
I work for Sprint. This won't happen. A lot of people (especially with other carriers) like to "speculate" about Sprint and it's direction. I can assure you that Sprint has no plans on being bought out. The recent lay off's and cut in costs were a business decision by Sprint in order to keep things flowing properly in the right direction. You don't hire a new CEO and a whole new batch of advisors (vp, mvp etc.) and sell the company. Sprint is going in the right direction. WiMax will be launching in 2008. Sprint will have new Sprint walkie talkie phones coming out this year that will be running Rev. A. Which also means there is a possiblity that you will be able to use Direct Connect on your Mogul. Sprint is going to be the leader in the wireless industry once again and it will happen sooner than everyone thinks.

So forget about Sprint ever giving up on CDMA (At least until they convert everything to WiMax and you are able to do voice of WiMax. It will end up being CDMA/WiMaX network I think.) They are not going to be bought out. Customer should feel excited about being with Sprint even though there are tough times, Customer Service is going to improve a great deal and you are going to experience being a customer of the leading wireless country in America.


Dont take this the wrong way but it sounds like you've been drinking the company cool aid again
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 12:44 AM
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Exclamation Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

[quote=Stupid Vidiot;213321]As long as Sprint keeps up with this line of work:


actually looks like they havent been keeping up i tryed to register and i keep getting this messsage:

We apologize, but due to increased demand, the WebCapTel service has temporarily reached capacity.
To provide you with the best service possible, we will contact you when capacity is available.

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 12:55 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

No one has mentioned how the low dollar makes American companies much cheaper or the implications of a parent company who counts its money in Euros.
We are a self-destructive species on a fragile planet circling a dying sun in a galaxy falling into a black hole in a universe expanding into oblivion, so what the hell does it matter.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 01:06 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

I have no inside information, but after reading threads at sprintusers.com during the former CEO's reign, it seems the CEO spent a lot of time reading forums and wasted energy trying to get even with a much of kids for trying to scam free stuff. I even felt that firing customers who called cs too much might really have had much to do with that. Sprint seemed to be a very negative company from the top down. Good customers were getting a new one ripped by Sprint employee's with the seeming consent of management. Many threads ridiculed Sprint customers or made them feel like fool's. Any complaint was mocked as just an attempt to get something, even if the customer just wanted something fixed that Sprint had screwed up like a bill or order. I definitely get the feeling that things have changed at the top and are trickleling down the corporate ladder. I say thank you Sprint for the new rom and best of luck. You have my benefit of the doubt.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 01:17 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

I have no inside information, but after reading threads at sprintusers.com during the former CEO's reign, it seems the CEO spent a lot of time reading forums and wasted energy trying to get even with a much of kids for trying to scam free stuff. I even felt that firing customers who called cs too much might really have had much to do with that. Sprint seemed to be a very negative company from the top down. Good customers were getting a new one ripped by Sprint employee's with the seeming consent of management. Many threads ridiculed Sprint customers or made them feel like fool's. Any complaint was mocked as just an attempt to get something, even if the customer just wanted something fixed that Sprint had screwed up like a bill or order. I definitely get the feeling that things have changed at the top and are trickleling down the corporate ladder. I say thank you Sprint for the new rom and best of luck. You have my benefit of the doubt.

Very good points especially the Euro, I would think that the stumbling block maybe the rep of employee's not engaged and not caring. I have found the local sprint store to be useless and the phone service to be poor, that said every now and then I get great help from a Sprint employee who does care. German companies have a good reputation for taking care of their employees's hopefully if this happens that will "RING" true. please pardon the pun.

Good Luck to all Sprint employee's change is difficult in the short run but usually works well in the long run!!

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 01:31 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

Originally Posted by dmaldo View Post
...there is a possiblity that you will be able to use Direct Connect on your Mogul. Sprint is going to be the leader in the wireless industry once again and it will happen sooner than everyone thinks.

Customer should feel excited about being with Sprint even though there are tough times, Customer Service is going to improve a great deal and you are going to experience being a customer of the leading wireless country in America.


I have enjoyed Sprint as my wireless carrier for the last two years. I have had for the most part, exceptional customer service, over the phone, and in the store. If Sprint was to be bought out by T-Mobile, I would take all of my services back to AT&T. T-Mobile's CS is very terrible. I would like also being able to use the Direct Connect on my Mogul. I love my Mogul even more, with the update. I automatically gor TeleNav as a GPS program, when I did the Update. I am not sure if this is because I have the "Sprint Power Vision Biz Pack" (which I am not sure of what all it intels, can't find the description on Sprint.com).

I need to know how to check if my RevA is Enabled/Disabled, like the steps to get to where I can check if I may have disabled it with the upgrade.

I was also crossing my fingers that SprintTV would be accessible with this new update, since I do have it as part of my plan. GPS is good, though.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 01:53 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

SDODOM, there is a thread for the RevA issue. Really, it is just a matter of perception. Think of the setting as saying Enable this or Disable that instead of enabled/disabled.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 02:02 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

Thank you MOBO, I just consider the company stores to be repair centers or a place to actually hold a device (if they even display one.) I like to buy local, but have always found the more techical your needs, the more likely to have to go online. Most of the people on this forum will have to go online. As far as advice for Sprint, get rid of the "Cold War" secrecy mentality and open up. Even your best people look like fools when you don't let them know what's going on. Second, train your people to recognize when they are dealing with someone technical and let them cut the crap (or I should have said, "the script") and answer a simple question.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2008, 02:15 AM
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Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom

You got that right, Sprint has a decent mix of phones, the best plans, and decent coverage, at least in NW Washington State. Now is the time for eitheir their CEO or a new owner to crank it up focus on the customer and unlock phones.

Since DT unlocks all their phones in Europe this may be the answer to stand out from Verizon (great cs and coverage), and ATT who I cannot stand. Customers are starting to demand this freedom and maybe just maybe we will see it at SPRINT first.

If DT were to buy out Sprint do not use T Mobile as a reference. Give them a chance to be different.

Not many customers will agree that recent management has worked for Sprint!

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