Re: Possible Sprint Buy-out by Deutsche Telekom
I have no inside information, but after reading threads at during the former CEO's reign, it seems the CEO spent a lot of time reading forums and wasted energy trying to get even with a much of kids for trying to scam free stuff. I even felt that firing customers who called cs too much might really have had much to do with that. Sprint seemed to be a very negative company from the top down. Good customers were getting a new one ripped by Sprint employee's with the seeming consent of management. Many threads ridiculed Sprint customers or made them feel like fool's. Any complaint was mocked as just an attempt to get something, even if the customer just wanted something fixed that Sprint had screwed up like a bill or order. I definitely get the feeling that things have changed at the top and are trickleling down the corporate ladder. I say thank you Sprint for the new rom and best of luck. You have my benefit of the doubt.
We are a self-destructive species on a fragile planet circling a dying sun in a galaxy falling into a black hole in a universe expanding into oblivion, so what the hell does it matter.