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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:09 AM
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That's weird I just got a pic message on my htc touch and was able to view it and reply a text back as if I had a regular sprint phone (This is my first ppc). And I know I can't send any pic msgs back
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by oli_v_ia83 View Post
That's weird I just got a pic message on my htc touch and was able to view it and reply a text back as if I had a regular sprint phone (This is my first ppc). And I know I can't send any pic msgs back
Yeah, they aren't blocking the incoming picmail, just outgoing picmail messages from WM devices.
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by PeekHoles View Post
There are some people at sprintusers that installed Mbuni Open Source MMS Gateway and can now send mms picture mail. I'm looking into this aswell I have my own server and may give it a try.

do you know who any of these peeps are? i've looked on sprintusers and only seen this opensource mms referenced once.

i would like to install it but my server runs windoze.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 03:40 PM
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Again I do not speak for Sprint, and I don't work anywhere near the division that controls this stuff.

But think about it, what exactly did Sprint do that was wrong? They sold you a phone under the premise that it does not support MMS and you are complaining that it now doesn't work. Am I saying it is right? No! I hate it just as much as the rest of you and have signed all the petitions.

The only reason I said to contact HTC was that they could build it into the new rom due out for GPS and rev A. They can influence Sprint to fix the problem since their website is posting conflicting evidence.

Sprint from a legal point has done absolutely wrong. From a moral point of view they pissed us all off by doing something we fell they shouldn't have.

Don't hate me for what my company did to both you and me. I didn't do it and I'm not justifying them doing it, but they have the power and the legal ability to do it and there is not a thing we can do about it.
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator PhoneNews.com (Brandon Smith)

Remember to say when someone helps you out.

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Think about the economy the next time you feel the need to open a useless thread. Think about it.
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by oli_v_ia83 View Post
That's weird I just got a pic message on my htc touch and was able to view it and reply a text back as if I had a regular sprint phone (This is my first ppc). And I know I can't send any pic msgs back
you can send pic msgs, its a lil complicated but it can be done. did u see my eairlier post. i have a mogul and my boyfriend has a touch an we both send pic mail
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 07:56 PM
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Angry sprint's answer to me

hey guys, this was my question, and the answer i got from sprint regarding MMS. pretty sure they don't care at all because we were all doing it illegally.

Question: Hello, i am writing to voice my extreme displeasure of you blocking picturemail recently on all of the PPCs that you carry. i currently own a 6700 and sending pictures via email while very much cheaper phones can use MMS is extremely foolish and aggravating. I am currently off contract and was waiting for something thinner and stable to come out to renew, but rest assured i probably won't be doing that anytime soon. more than likely, i'll be switching to either the Voyager or the Tilt, which are both superior to the best device that you guys offer. I had been staying with Sprint because of the customer service and clarity, but i've been paying for a service that has been blocked on my device for no good reason at all. even partially refunding me for the picture mail aspect of my plan wouldn't satisfy me at this point.

Answer: We have not blocked picturemail on the Pocket PC devices. PPC devices can still receive picturemail. As far as sending it, pictures can be sent via email. This has been the case for some time.

Our IT group did make some changes to our MMS server recently. We implemented measures designed to help prevent pornographic picturemail spam, which we received a large volume of complaints about over the last month.

It would appear that these security changes, which included increased blocking on access to the server by non-Sprint applications, had the side effect of disabling a popular but unauthorized third party MMS "hack" that has been used by PPC users for some time.

We do not have the power in our department to reverse these changes, nor can we log tickets for this issue as MMS is not a service we offer on the PPC devices. We apologize again for any inconvenience.

Thank you again for contacting Sprint. We appreciate your business.

Robert H.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by sbello81 View Post
hey guys, this was my question, and the answer i got from sprint regarding MMS. pretty sure they don't care at all because we were all doing it illegally.

Question: Hello, i am writing to voice my extreme displeasure of you blocking picturemail recently on all of the PPCs that you carry. i currently own a 6700 and sending pictures via email while very much cheaper phones can use MMS is extremely foolish and aggravating. I am currently off contract and was waiting for something thinner and stable to come out to renew, but rest assured i probably won't be doing that anytime soon. more than likely, i'll be switching to either the Voyager or the Tilt, which are both superior to the best device that you guys offer. I had been staying with Sprint because of the customer service and clarity, but i've been paying for a service that has been blocked on my device for no good reason at all. even partially refunding me for the picture mail aspect of my plan wouldn't satisfy me at this point.

Answer: We have not blocked picturemail on the Pocket PC devices. PPC devices can still receive picturemail. As far as sending it, pictures can be sent via email. This has been the case for some time.

Our IT group did make some changes to our MMS server recently. We implemented measures designed to help prevent pornographic picturemail spam, which we received a large volume of complaints about over the last month.

It would appear that these security changes, which included increased blocking on access to the server by non-Sprint applications, had the side effect of disabling a popular but unauthorized third party MMS "hack" that has been used by PPC users for some time.

We do not have the power in our department to reverse these changes, nor can we log tickets for this issue as MMS is not a service we offer on the PPC devices. We apologize again for any inconvenience.

Thank you again for contacting Sprint. We appreciate your business.

Robert H.
Well, that makes sense for a change. It even seems plausible, but still has a certain "fragrance" that somehow reminds me of rodeos.....
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by wldthng842 View Post
Don't hate me for what my company did to both you and me. I didn't do it and I'm not justifying them doing it, but they have the power and the legal ability to do it and there is not a thing we can do about it.
But there is: Sprint customers who are unhappy with this can vote with their proverbial feet... and wallets. And encourage others to do the same. Money is the only thing that these people will listen to, and if it speaks loudly enough, they will be a lot more encouraged to change their policies.

We're not talking about their blocking MMS on your HTC phones specifically, but the overall policy that MMS "isn't a business tool", and the general shoddy treatment of their customers.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by sbello81 View Post
Our IT group did make some changes to our MMS server recently. We implemented measures designed to help prevent pornographic picturemail spam, which we received a large volume of complaints about over the last month.

It would appear that these security changes, which included increased blocking on access to the server by non-Sprint applications, had the side effect of disabling a popular but unauthorized third party MMS "hack" that has been used by PPC users for some time.
the first plausible reason and response i've read from sprint yet regarding this recent mms block... i've been on all the forums that i know of and everyone is saying something different.

thanks for posting up this response from sprint.
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2008, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by cyburke View Post
the first plausible reason and response i've read from sprint yet regarding this recent mms block... i've been on all the forums that i know of and everyone is saying something different.

thanks for posting up this response from sprint.
Which, of course, still doesn't answer why they removed the *legitimate* functionality from those phones in the first place....
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