I used Mike/Admin's tweak on making the PPC use TCMP as default setting for all my glorious media purposes, and by doing so...it screwed up my WMP somehow. (not yer fault, Mikey...it's mine.javascript
Laughing after all - I've always said if there's a computer problem, usually it's 90% user fault!)
"How so?" you ask?
Well under 'programs', it's still listed in there, but the icon is all screwy, and when I want to run it, it'll say:
"The program cannot be opened. either it's not signed with a trust certificate, or one of the components cannot be found. you might need to reinstall or restore this file".
However, if I go under 'file explorer', and find an avi file, it'll still show that wmp icon on it, and when I run it, it'll load up wmp application as if there's no problem at all. javascript
What's goin on here kids? lol Any insight here is appreciated, and I would still like to utilize wmp and tcmp.
Thanks guys,javascript