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Old 11-24-2006, 02:03 PM
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*strangles Mike/Admin guy here*

I used Mike/Admin's tweak on making the PPC use TCMP as default setting for all my glorious media purposes, and by doing screwed up my WMP somehow. (not yer fault,'s mine.javascript:emoticon('')
Laughing after all - I've always said if there's a computer problem, usually it's 90% user fault!)

"How so?" you ask?

Well under 'programs', it's still listed in there, but the icon is all screwy, and when I want to run it, it'll say:

"The program cannot be opened. either it's not signed with a trust certificate, or one of the components cannot be found. you might need to reinstall or restore this file".

However, if I go under 'file explorer', and find an avi file, it'll still show that wmp icon on it, and when I run it, it'll load up wmp application as if there's no problem at all. javascript:emoticon('')

What's goin on here kids? lol Any insight here is appreciated, and I would still like to utilize wmp and tcmp.

Thanks guys,javascript:emoticon(':P')

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