Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
OK here is what I found so far. I tried to pick different articles so you won't say that it's all from one source. And believe or not, I'm still finding more and more.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/te...er=rss&emc=rss http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/20...ne-os-race.ars http://www.betanews.com/article/See-...oot/1259877453 http://news.cnet.com/8301-13846_3-10399808-62.html OK, your turn. Where are your sources? |
Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
Still more...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology...mobile-android http://www.pcworld.com/businesscente...s_android.html http://brainstormtech.blogs.fortune....ne-year-later/ (this one is actually from CNNMoney website) Hey I actually found one for you... but he does admit that Microsoft blew it but he thinks they can come back. (again I never said that Winmo was going away....) http://blogs.zdnet.com/cell-phones/?p=2594 |
Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
Also, Consumer reports article is more on the useability and performance standpoint. Nice article but it DOES NOT support your contention that Windows mobile licenses are at an all time high and is growing. All I'm asking is for recent articles that support your position. That's all. That can't be that hard to do. |
Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
Just to clarify:
Your position is that Windows Mobile is growing and at an all-time high. (or at least Winmo licenses are at an all time high) My position is that Windows Mobile is declining and is losing market share. Again, I never said that Winmo is going away. I contend they've really had some serious misteps and lost their leadership they once held. Last edited by x10guy; 12-08-2009 at 03:45 PM. |
Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
Seriously I really want to believe him and I've googled it plenty of times but I can't find any recent data. Also his contention that Microsoft's high stock price is directly related to Windows Mobile.... I'd say the success of Windows 7 is probably a much bigger factor in their stock price. |
Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
He is NOT making a business case against Windows Mobile. He is making a case for which platform he prefers. Quote:
Are you serious? This guy is obviously not making a business case against Windows Mobile either. Quote:
Again this is obviously not claiming to be a business case against Windows Mobile. Quote:
Again, he is clearly NOT making a business case against Windows Mobile. First off, none of those are business cases against Windows Mobile. None of those guys are even claiming they are qualified to tell us what a corporation needs to do to succeed. It is a bunch of tech bloggers telling us why they like whichever platform better. As for my links, here you go (again): http://www.windowsfordevices.com/c/a...-Mobile-sales/ And the relevant quote: "Microsoft sold more than 18 million copies of its Windows Mobile operating system for phones and other mobile devices in 2008, it announced, a new annual record." So now we know that MS sold a record number of Windows Mobile smartphones just last year. Here is some proof that 2 year contracts are the norm in the USA: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/10/te...y/10money.html SO now we can put 2 and 2 together, and we know that most of those all time high sales customers from last year, have 2 year contracts so they are likely still using Windows Mobile devices. Here's one by the same guy at the New York times you linked to: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/0...he-magic-back/ MS is shown in a much more positive light in that one. Again though, this is not a business case for WIndows Mobiloe, just an opinion based on what the author thinks as a consumer. Here is the proof that the Touch pro 2 is the hottest business device right now and Verizon had trouble keeping it in stock: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=99651 and http://pocketnow.com/tech-news/veriz...-to-iphone-3gs How is Microsoft's stock doing? Lets find out: http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=M...urce=undefined What do the professional analysts say about it? Lets find out: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ao?s=MSFT Adding it all up- Windows Mobile, while not selling as much as the iPhone (but still more than Android) has more customers right now than they ever have before. With Windows Mobile 7 due out next year, and a large percentage of Windows Mobile users due for a new device subsidy at that same time, big things are expected next year. |
Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
There are MANY factors in the stock price. But if Windows Mobile is not dragging the price or the dividends DOWN, then it is NOT in trouble. Clearly, if investors though Windows Mobile was a problem for Microsoft, it would be reflected in the stock price and Analysts opinions (which I have linked to and I challenge you to find any of this doom and gloom crap there). |
Re: HTC's 2010 Lineup
Like I said, let's see what happens in 6 months and we can reevaluate our positions.
One other thing. The MS stock price is high. I never said it wasn't. But I don't think Windows Mobile has much to do with it. Compared to their PC Operating system and Office packages, etc... Windows Mobile is such a small small percentage of their business. |
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