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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 04:45 PM
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Re: iphone or android?

There is many ways to install Leopard in PC's,... no need to spend crazy money, I had it ( OSX) for a week and delete it from my computer.

Here is a start http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/ind...owtopic=129261 this work for windows 7 too. Make sure you READ a lot before trying this... BACKUP! if you like to mess up with you computer you will have lots of fun. I have 4 HD in my PC so it was not a big deal for me.

Going back to deleting Leopard from my PC... Win7>all

OSX= Playschool! lol
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 10:37 PM
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Re: iphone or android?

This kinda went off topic fast. The one thing that I cant stand about the Iphone is all the fanboys. The good thing about the iphone is that alot of things are made to support it. Alarm clocks, most vehicles I think had aux imputs put in since the demand was so high since alot of people had either iphones or ipods. I think it is a very simple phone out of the box very easy to use. my parents have one and I think the iphone is more for them than an android phone. I would try the iphone if the rate plans werent so high. I cant justify paying over 20 more a month just for the iphone. but maybe to some people it is worth it.

Maybe I dont read the iphone forums but it seems like any other phone besides the iphone people are wanting to change something on it or add something onto it to make it better.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 11:35 PM
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Re: iphone or android?

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
right on, good to know. Does boot camp work like parallels where you run windows within a virtual environment, or do you select what os you want to use at startup?
Yes, this is off-topic, but with boot camp you select the OS you want on start-up. Parallels is still cool though.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: iphone or android?

Originally Posted by mconig78 View Post
The one thing that I cant stand about the Iphone is all the fanboys.
Very much agreed. I used to be completely anti-Apple just because of how annoying most Apple users are (not all, but most). But now I've come to appreciate the fact that every phone or computer or whatever it may be has good things and has things that could be improved. I think the iPhone is great in a lot of ways, but unless you jailbreak it it's very limited in a lot of other ways.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 04:19 AM
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Re: iphone or android?

Originally Posted by mconig78 View Post

Maybe I dont read the iphone forums but it seems like any other phone besides the iphone people are wanting to change something on it or add something onto it to make it better.
That's because the other phones can. Apple choises the look, price, features, apps, music and even carrier for you.

Mind you that's not a bad thing for alot of Americans. Shoot I should look into that...because my constant mind changing is costing me a fortune. I kiiid I kiiid
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 04:43 AM
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Re: iphone or android?

Originally Posted by bornl33t View Post
That's because the other phones can. Apple choises the look, price, features, apps, music and even carrier for you.
Very, very true. The iPhone has some serious limitations out of the box. If you think its users aren't looking for something more then explain the 100,000+ apps in the app store. If the iPhone had any of those features built into the phone then the need for the app store wouldn't exist. This doesn't just apply to the iPhone, though, the limitations of the iPhone provide users with more reasons to jailbreak (aka: coming to the light). I own the iTouch, which is a great device, but I can't even change the wallpaper without jailbreaking.

However, I am only one person in a rather large market. In this market there are two types of people. On one side you have people who will never want their device to do anything outside its normal range of function. On the other, you have people who really want to dig in and see what a phone is capable off. People who really enjoy the iPhone are the people who aren't going to mod or hack their phone under normal circumstances. They are the people listed first. The iPhone has a small amount of limitations out of the box, and the app store offers a user-friendly way to more or less hack the device into doing something it wouldn't normally do - but it does come with the iPhone; technically filing it under "normal functions" for the device. This really just tricks people into the mindset that the iPhone really does everything from the get-go. If you were to ask these people what the perfect phone would be they would answer: a device that does everything I need straight out of the box, and does them well.

This isn't going to fly well with the other guys. I can't change my wallpaper? I can't create my own themes? I can't do this, I can't do that? It's simply too much to take in all at once. The Android community (and pretty much any other mobile OS) is about hacking your device. Most people claim a jailbreaking argument for the iPhone is simply invalid because it goes against the very nature of Apple. Well, a rooting argument for Android is the very basis of its nature. It begs you to find limitations in its open source nature. And if you do it challenges you to do something about it! Android phones do much more out of the box than WinMo phones do. The WinMo community is probably THE hacking community, and that's not necessarily a good thing (Microsoft really leaves them with no choice. 6.5? Really?), but for this group it's a great thing. They aren't looking for the best phone out of the box, but for the best potential hardware as they have the power to make it shine. To make it unique and their own. If you were to ask these people what the perfect phone would be they would answer: a phone with the capacity to change into whatever I want it to be, with a great community to support it, and most importantly, room to grow. Because it's not enough to be great, and there is always room for improvement.

Brand loyalty isn't the only reason people get so upset over these iPhone vs. Android (insert other MOS) debates. What people are really debating is one mindset over another, and to come to a conclusion on this debate is to completely write off the other. You're saying it's better to be closed minded rather than open minded (and vice-verse). So before you start carelessly throwing around this vs. that, please take the time to consider your fellow phone enthusiasts. We are a community and here these are more than just phones.

I have no idea where this came from. Guess I just felt like writing.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 10:08 PM
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Re: iphone or android?

Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff View Post
I will NEVER understand why some one would pay 1300.00 for a MacBook when a comparable PC lappy is around 600.00 . And for 800.00 you can get a Windows machine that will step all over a 1300.00 MacBook.
Have you ever compared the hardware specs of a 1300.00 macbook and a 600.00 laptop? even though macs are higher priced you are getting high end specs. and the resell value is way better then a pc. no im not a apple fanboy, i dont even own a mac, but i sure would if i could afford one.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 12:01 AM
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Re: iphone or android?

Originally Posted by goonygugle View Post
Have you ever compared the hardware specs of a 1300.00 macbook and a 600.00 laptop? even though macs are higher priced you are getting high end specs. and the resell value is way better then a pc. no im not a apple fanboy, i dont even own a mac, but i sure would if i could afford one.
Yep. The only thing I miss is the back lit keyboard. Other then that, quite happy that I sold my Mac Book Pro.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 03:03 AM
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Re: iphone or android?

Originally Posted by blazingwolf View Post
Yep. The only thing I miss is the back lit keyboard. Other then that, quite happy that I sold my Mac Book Pro.
Off topic: why in the world doesn't EVERY laptop made now come with a back lit keyboard? I can't imagine it's a feature that costs very much to include. It bugs the heck out of me honestly....
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 03:28 AM
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Re: iphone or android?

i have a mac (bleh)...but there is nothing like a 10 yr old computer with your favorite distro of linux on it Jesus!... thats flexibility!...and why do the Mac Fan Boys talk about app app app us PPC GEEKS have been using crazy apps since the stone age...all these "apps"are is internet shortcuts on these iphones Bleh! I guess thats great for our microwave society..

i do however have one bone to pick ... Sprint Give Me a Phone with Great Specs! Geesh i mean really the APACHE was Gr8 lets go Next Gen now....Sprint HTC get together and do something better for us winmo people ....whispers

I hear the DROID calling me at night
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