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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2010, 07:58 PM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2010, 01:07 AM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

We were all turned into Verizon customers with the merger is my guess. Phil
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2010, 01:38 AM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

Originally Posted by JGKC9AYC View Post

im in the same boat as you, and i finally gave up. i was trying to get my touch pro replaced with something better, but alltel really doesnt offer any thing better imo. i even wanted to buy a verizon phone third party outright, and chickened out on that because of them claiming i could not activate it. obviously us unmerged alltel customers are not going to be given verizon phones because they are the competition. more than likely we will get sucked into the s**tstorm that is AT&T soon, so my advice is dont spend much on a fancy new phone like i almost did, because if we go to the darkside it wont work on GSM anyways. i did, however have the alltel manager upset enough to give me any phone they offer new and free of charge. i opted to keep my Tpro, but they noted my account incase i change my mind. ive always liked alltel, but they seemed to have dropped the ball in the last year since the vzn buyout. the phones they offer are definately behind the times, customer servicehas suffered considerably, and im locked in until april 2011 in a state without a single alltel store.

i have officially waged war on alltel using as much data as i possibly can hoping they will drop me due to all the verizon roaming i do, but no such luck yet. last month i used about 16 gigs between 2 lines, all of which flashing the old triangle in the taskbar.

is it really too much to ask for a TP2, droid, or something even remotely close? i say nay! i shouldnt have to go behind their back and unlock and flash windows mobo 6.5 followed by hours and hours of tweaks and de-bugging, just to keep up with the times.

p.s. i cant believe i just ranted this much from my touch pro lol, sorry if i went wayyyyy off topic everyone!
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2010, 03:09 AM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

Originally Posted by gregjuice View Post
im in the same boat as you, and i finally gave up. i was trying to get my touch pro replaced with something better, but alltel really doesnt offer any thing better imo. i even wanted to buy a verizon phone third party outright, and chickened out on that because of them claiming i could not activate it. obviously us unmerged alltel customers are not going to be given verizon phones because they are the competition. more than likely we will get sucked into the s**tstorm that is AT&T soon, so my advice is dont spend much on a fancy new phone like i almost did, because if we go to the darkside it wont work on GSM anyways. i did, however have the alltel manager upset enough to give me any phone they offer new and free of charge. i opted to keep my Tpro, but they noted my account incase i change my mind. ive always liked alltel, but they seemed to have dropped the ball in the last year since the vzn buyout. the phones they offer are definately behind the times, customer servicehas suffered considerably, and im locked in until april 2011 in a state without a single alltel store.

i have officially waged war on alltel using as much data as i possibly can hoping they will drop me due to all the verizon roaming i do, but no such luck yet. last month i used about 16 gigs between 2 lines, all of which flashing the old triangle in the taskbar.

is it really too much to ask for a TP2, droid, or something even remotely close? i say nay! i shouldnt have to go behind their back and unlock and flash windows mobo 6.5 followed by hours and hours of tweaks and de-bugging, just to keep up with the times.

p.s. i cant believe i just ranted this much from my touch pro lol, sorry if i went wayyyyy off topic everyone!
yeah, alltel sucks
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 01:16 PM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

True, but some of us don't have much choice.
Alltel is cheaper for me considering the plan I have (2 lines, 500 shared minutes, unlimited text, pics & data).
My other options is VZW & AT&T...& there's alot of complaints about AT&T's service in my area.
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 10:50 PM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

I have my droid on an old alltel smart phone plan.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

im with verizon, but still on my old alltel plan (with free tethering ) and just got the droid.... no problems here...
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 11:37 AM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

yeah yeah. you guys got lucky...
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 12:18 AM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

I have an alltel smart plan with bb curve and I am not in the merger with verizon. I tried to get the droid today and was flat out rejected saying it cannot be done, 2 different systems all together-----question----am I being dooped? thanks guys and girls.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 10:19 AM
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Re: Alltel Plan VS Droid

Originally Posted by tonylamar View Post
I have an alltel smart plan with bb curve and I am not in the merger with verizon. I tried to get the droid today and was flat out rejected saying it cannot be done, 2 different systems all together-----question----am I being dooped? thanks guys and girls.
No, you're not being dooped. If you weren't a part of the merger, then they are 2 different systems.

But for those who were a part of the merger, you can definitely put a Droid on your old Alltel plan. Just don't go into a store or call to get it done since they're likely to give you the runaround. Just activate it online through your My Verizon account. Since the merger and becoming a Verizon customer, I've purchased a Touch Pro 2 through Verizon with a contract extension, and I was able to keep my core Alltel plan. The only thing I had to change was my text messaging plan. I ordered the Touch Pro 2 online through the website and activated it through the website. No problems whatsoever. I also just recently purchased a Droid off eBay. I activated it online through My Verizon in less than a minute. No issues.

The best way to figure out if a phone will activate on your Alltel plan - only if you were part of the merger - is to log into your My Verizon account online, click "Upgrade to a new phone" on the right, click "continue," and then click "Compatible with your current plan" under Filter Phones By on the left. Any phone that shows up on the list will work with your old Alltel plan, and you can activate it online without any problems. You may not be able to have certain Verizon extras, such as Visual Voice Mail, but you'll keep your plan with all of the minutes, unlimited data, and My Circle/Friends and Family that you had before.

Originally Posted by jake044
yeah yeah. you guys got lucky...
Luck doesn't really have anything to do with it. If someone was a part of the merger, and they became a Verizon customer, they can get pretty much any Verizon phone and still keep their old Alltel plan. If a person wasn't a part of the merger, then they're an Alltel customer, which is a completely different cell phone company than Verizon. So it makes sense that someone can't use a Verizon phone on Alltel very easily. It would be like trying to use a Verizon phone on Sprint.

Last edited by bsweetness; 03-06-2010 at 10:56 AM.
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