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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 10:17 AM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

Wouldn't make much sense to block the Wifi on the Droid because they just released the Storm 2 which supports Wifi .. -- But my Wifi connection works great in my house on the phone.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 10:38 AM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

I'm always surprised that people still think that WiFi is blocked. VZW hasn't blocked WiFi on any phone that I have owned (assuming it came with it of course).
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

Originally Posted by _xv6800 View Post
I just got my droid. I asked the rep about the 5gb limit on the unlimited data plan - he said there is no limit on the droid - the 5gb limit is only on datacards for laptops.

So don't worry about the wi-fi

and if you still are ... the wi-fi is unhindered in the Droid (it's in my hands on wi-fi now)

everything is unhindered on the Droid !
Your sales rep is wrong btw. Every datacard and smartphone is capped at 5gb, but they label it as "unlimited". Mind you, i have never, ever gotten close to using 5gb of data, but that block is still there
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 02:14 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

Originally Posted by angel12 View Post
Your sales rep is wrong btw. Every datacard and smartphone is capped at 5gb, but they label it as "unlimited". Mind you, i have never, ever gotten close to using 5gb of data, but that block is still there
Not officially. The only reason there is a 5GB/month threshold is because if you go pass it on a smartphone they know you're breaking contract agreements. The agreement states what your phone can and cannot do with the data plan.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 04:19 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

Originally Posted by angel12 View Post
Your sales rep is wrong btw. Every datacard and smartphone is capped at 5gb, but they label it as "unlimited". Mind you, i have never, ever gotten close to using 5gb of data, but that block is still there
The 5gb is only on Mobile Broadband Connect features (ie data card or tethering) and then it is only a softcap. They charge ~$.05/MB over 5gb.

On Email/Web and the Unlimited Plan for Smartphones, there is no cap. However it explicitly states in Terms&Conditions that you cannot use it for tethering.

They do reserve the right to take action and possibly terminate service if they feel your usage is detrimental to the network however.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 08:56 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

i hate to tell you guys but you are misinformed. i have gone over the 5gig "limit" several times and never been charged a cent more than the $29.99 data plan. that goes right along with the reps telling people that they would be charged for using wifi. its a crock.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 12:29 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

One thing that you may run into (I know I did) was that the WiFi on the Droid can't connect to hidden networks. I don't broadcast my network at home and couldn't connect. There was an app that supposedly allowed you to connect, but this didn't work for me.

Just an FYI. Supposedly a bug / fix has been submitted to Google, but there is no patch as of yet.

It does work great on open WiFi and secure connections, but honestly browsing is already nice and fast for me just on the Verizon network.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 04:30 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

Originally Posted by Mylt1 View Post
i hate to tell you guys but you are misinformed. i have gone over the 5gig "limit" several times and never been charged a cent more than the $29.99 data plan. that goes right along with the reps telling people that they would be charged for using wifi. its a crock.
They don't have the right to charge you more for going over 5GB/month on your Data Plan, by contract they have the right to terminate your service though. But I don't see them doing that since you're already giving you money. They just don't want you to use p2p or tethering... much like many ISPs who don't want you bogging down their networks. Sometimes they're serious, but most of the time they're half-empty threats.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 04:39 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

Originally Posted by Mylt1 View Post
i hate to tell you guys but you are misinformed. i have gone over the 5gig "limit" several times and never been charged a cent more than the $29.99 data plan. that goes right along with the reps telling people that they would be charged for using wifi. its a crock.
They are not misinformed. But Verizon cannot charge you extra for data because you dont have that plan - they can terminate you though and charge you the ETF fee, since you are using a data plan (tethering) for which you are not paying.

The majority of people that have tethered illegally and gone over the 5gb have had absolutely nothing happen to them. This is true. That does NOT mean that there is no cap. That does not mean that the $29 is truly unlimited. It is not. They don't put a number on it in their documentation because that is bad press - they would much rather be able to say "unlimited data" (with the hidden words being "so long as you don't violate the TOS by doing something that will use too much data, like tethering and things of that nature").

So, for those of you tethering without the tethering package, just don't go crazy. If you want to believe that it is unlimited, then by all means use 5-10gb a month. But be advised, you will not be doing that for long before you have to find another cell phone provider.

Lots of us have been tethering without a data package for years. Verizon could care less. But we're also not abusing it enough for it to throw up a flag. Once you throw up a flag and get Verizon to look at your account, they will quickly be able to determine you are tethering. So just dont throw up flags.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 05:12 PM
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Re: VZW wi-fi

Originally Posted by psooky View Post
The 5gb is only on Mobile Broadband Connect features (ie data card or tethering) and then it is only a softcap. They charge ~$.05/MB over 5gb.

On Email/Web and the Unlimited Plan for Smartphones, there is no cap. However it explicitly states in Terms&Conditions that you cannot use it for tethering.

They do reserve the right to take action and possibly terminate service if they feel your usage is detrimental to the network however.
even though ive own an XV6700 and currently on a XV6800 and waitign for wed to get paid to get the droid... im still pretty new to the terms i see here...whats tethering?

Last edited by whopper68; 11-09-2009 at 05:14 PM.
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