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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 04:10 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
I agree,verizon is marketing this phone as the best thing since sliced bread. How can you have that commercial talking about the things the iphone can't do when most of its features aren't crushing other phones in its own android pool(hero).
Let me shine some light on this situation between the iPhone and the Droid. And I'm not an iPhone lover; I like it, but I know I have no chance on getting it while I'm on the Verizon network.

iPhone 3Gs: Samsung processor which clocks at 667Mhz (threshold of up to 833Mhz) but is underclocked to 600Mhz.

Droid: TI processor which clocks at 600Mhz but is underclocked to 550Mhz.

Note: Many people will argue that 550Mhz on one processor is not the same on another; true. However, both the Samsung and TI processors in the phones is a derivative of the Cortex A-8 ARM processor. Thus it's not like comparing Pentium 4 v. Core2Duo.

iPhone 3Gs: PowerVR SGX 535 which is a graphics core which is used for high-end portable devices.

Droid: PowerVR SGX 530 (like the Palm Pre) which is a graphics core which is used for portable media devices (mid-range).

Note: But, but... dedicated graphics. I have found no clue talking about dedicated graphics anywhere on the Droid.

Internal memory:
iPhone 3Gs: 16/32GB Internal Memory allows one to install... a lot of apps.

Droid: 256MB Internal Memory... WTF? Expandable with microSD card, but can't install apps into it.

Note: Many people have said that developers can install files onto both the internal and external memory and have the app run off internal while catching whiles off the external; correct. However will developers like that idea instead of just straight porting it over? Who knows.

iPhone 3Gs: 3MP, no flash. Does videos.

Droid: 5MP, with dual LED flash. Higher resolution videos.

iPhone 3Gs: Limited

Droid: Up to 6 apps at a single time (according to Attack of the Show)

Note: But if you jailbreak an iPhone... But it's not like that out of the box.

iPhone3Gs: Yes, and has pinch to zoom.

Droid: No, but possible; pinch to zoom probably patented.

Note: Yes, they can both do it spec-wise; however, many hands-on and reviews has noted that it doesn't.

iPhone 3Gs: Touch screen only.

Droid: Touch screen and physical... although many have said the physical could be a lot better.

iPhone 3Gs: Apple removed it with 3.10.

Droid: Possible with app.

Note: But you can enable it if you jail break the iPhone... but that's not intended if Apple removed it.

iPhone 3Gs: ATT-only. Rumors say by Q4 2010, VZN might get a chance with the iPhone.

Droid: VZN-only now, and then other networks will get it (leaked GSM versions have already leaked). VZN has one of the best 3G coverages.

So what does this all mean? The iPhone is a better overall powerhouse. The Droid is backed by additions which has some flaws, but a very strong network.

So if the Droid issues aren't fixed, I might just go with the HTC Touch Pro 2 instead when my upgrade comes up in February.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

specs mean nothing to me if the doesn't do what I want it to.. On top of that,verizon has very expensive plans..will those that aren't as tech savvy as most of us that roam these forums be willing to pay so much for a phone that's being touted(by verizon) as being better than the iphone. I feel if your're going to challenge apple straight-forward like they are then you should be prepared for those same consumers to expect a verizon iphone so to speak but better. What I mean by that is speed,functionality,multi-touch,apps in addition to the things your saying phone can do that the iphone can't.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 03:11 AM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
specs mean nothing to me if the doesn't do what I want it to.. On top of that,verizon has very expensive plans..will those that aren't as tech savvy as most of us that roam these forums be willing to pay so much for a phone that's being touted(by verizon) as being better than the iphone. I feel if your're going to challenge apple straight-forward like they are then you should be prepared for those same consumers to expect a verizon iphone so to speak but better. What I mean by that is speed,functionality,multi-touch,apps in addition to the things your saying phone can do that the iphone can't.
In that case specs should matter to you. It's unlikely that Phone X can outdo Phone Y if Phone X has lower specs all-around compared to Phone Y... simple logic.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 08:42 AM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

lol please....as I stated before specs mean nothing if the phone doesn't perform well. You're speaking as if your're an iphone fanboy..having more internal memory makes the iphone better lol? I'm sorry but that's not something I want. Having expandable memory makes a phone's storage capacity virtually unlimited. Hence the statement"specs mean nothing to me if the phone doesn't do what (I) want." I want multitasking,im sure the iphone will slow down if it did this just like other multi-tasking phones.Great phone though, it excels at what it was created for- entertainment, not productivity and in my opinion, to be productive you must be able to do more than one thing at a time.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 11:10 AM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

I have to agree with Smoove here, I'm thinking the 50mghz difference in processor speed is probably not noticeable. Even on attack of the show (which was a source you quoted) they mentioned that it was one of the fastest phones they had ever tested if not THE fastest. On board memory isnt really an issue either when you have an sd slot. My old vogue only has 150mb internal memory and I always install every app to the phone, not to the card. App installations generally take very little space, my old vogue with only 150mb of on board storage has 76 apps installed and I've only used half of that 150 mb.
Rooted Droid, Overclocked @ 1.1 GHz, Sprecovery 0.99.3b, Blue Smoked glass 2.0.1 Rom

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Last edited by breakmyfootoff; 11-02-2009 at 11:14 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 03:44 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
lol please....as I stated before specs mean nothing if the phone doesn't perform well. You're speaking as if your're an iphone fanboy..having more internal memory makes the iphone better lol? I'm sorry but that's not something I want. Having expandable memory makes a phone's storage capacity virtually unlimited. Hence the statement"specs mean nothing to me if the phone doesn't do what (I) want." I want multitasking,im sure the iphone will slow down if it did this just like other multi-tasking phones.Great phone though, it excels at what it was created for- entertainment, not productivity and in my opinion, to be productive you must be able to do more than one thing at a time.
Cute, but you're wrong.

"Expandable memory makes a phone's storage capacity virtually unlimited." I can tell you the limit, it's 32GB.

And I'm talking about the Motorola Droid. If it has the galls to team up with Verizon and produce a TV ad that directly attacks the iPhone, it better outperform it from the bottom up in all aspects. Sorry to burst your Android bubble--I would love the iPhone to be taken down--it just doesn't have the hardware to back it up. I was really hoping for it to at least have on par CPU/GPU. It lacked BOTH; and what dedicated GPU? Where?
Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff View Post
I have to agree with Smoove here, I'm thinking the 50mghz difference in processor speed is probably not noticeable. Even on attack of the show (which was a source you quoted) they mentioned that it was one of the fastest phones they had ever tested if not THE fastest. On board memory isnt really an issue either when you have an sd slot. My old vogue only has 150mb internal memory and I always install every app to the phone, not to the card. App installations generally take very little space, my old vogue with only 150mb of on board storage has 76 apps installed and I've only used half of that 150 mb.
That's fine, you can agree with Smoove; this is a forum you don't have to agree with me, I'm just telling you the cold hard facts.

The 50Mhz difference might not matter too much... unless you're multitasking--which is what the Droid does.

Yeah, I saw the AOTS review of the phone (4 out of 5), I've already read many other reviews. They all says it's the fastest Android phone for now and say a lot of things (but how can you trust AOTS when they said that the Droid had no multi-touch when it clearly is able to do that?) That's great if you're just going to compare it to other Androids (practically all of the phones before the Droid have been big let downs with more bark than bite)

Apps are great, but I don't want farting apps, or light saber apps, I want games--which is why I am so let down by the fact that the GPU is inferior. Sure, not all phone users are gamers and the Droid might not be targeting an audience like me; but again if they want to challenge the iPhone, they better bring in the cavalry.

Also I was really hoping the keyboard would be awesome, but about every review site has bashed it and some just saying, "You'll get used to it."

So now I'm stuck with either getting the Motorola Droid, the HTC Touch Pro 2, or just delaying my upgrade and wait for something worthwhile (maybe the Snapdragon Droids?) And again, not an iPhone fanboy--don't even like Apple at all--you still have to give it props for being a beast of a phone. I mean hell if it wasn't why would it be so popular? Steve Jobs? Haha...

Last edited by QrafTee; 11-02-2009 at 03:51 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 04:18 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

Im sticking with my guns..and waiting it out til march of next year and see what sprint has out..right now my pre does everything i need and does it well.. add the extended battery. and im in heaven atm..

I to dont care bout specs.. it how the phone performs..u can have the fastest this and that in a phone but if the software sucks. then whats the point!!!!

To me the pre is like a good game of halo deathmatch.. its a get in. get out thing..and you get your fix..

my diamond was like a final fantasy game.. u gota put alot of time into it. to get anywhere.. in the game...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 05:24 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

I'm not familiar with the speed differences between the GPU's so I really dont have much to say on that topic. I'm also a gamer, but to me it's frustrating trying to play anything on a phone, even the iphone. I'd much rather just wait till I get home or get to work where I have the gaming consoles and large screens to play them on. I've said in other threads about this that I dont really think it's the ultimate phone, but they are finally getting close. It seems like they at least trying to give us what we've been asking for. The main thing I cant understand with the Droid is the 550mhgz processor. Why they would release a brand new phone with last years processor when 1ghz Snapdragon phones will be here in a month or two is beyond my understanding. I imagine they will sell a ton of these Droids, just not to us power users who know about the faster processors on the horizon.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
To me the pre is like a good game of halo deathmatch.. its a get in. get out thing..and you get your fix..

my diamond was like a final fantasy game.. u gota put alot of time into it. to get anywhere.. in the game...
I think it's pretty obvious that spiritcrusher is of the gaming mindset as well lol.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid Review!!

yes the size limit of the accepted memory card is 32g, but being that one can swap out those cards makes your storage capacity limitless..get it?? I never said the droid was more powerful, I simply asked why would verizon position it against a phone it clearly doesn't have the features to beat. I never said its(droid) a better gaming platform if you take the time out to read I stated that iphone was best at what it does..."entertain" its a better multimedia device. I never spoke on any phone being superior to it in that category. As it stands, no phone is a great gaming device and in my opinion they shouldn't be. Faster stronger processors will kill the battery. Its unfortunant but battery tech isn't able to keep up with other forms of technology. Until they do,bigger screens and more powerful chipsets won't do too much for a dead phone. However I do agree with you.. I'm disappointed in the droid especially because of the keyboard. I must admit that I can't live with an all touchscreen device. I for the life of me can't understand why they gave the droid such a large screen yet put a pad,4 way navigator or whatever you want to call it in the keyboard. Just as they said on aots(yes I saw it too) that makes the keys smaller and if their flush(who the hell makes a flush keyboard) its damn impossible to tell the keys apart. If I want to navigate somewhere on the device the I too would just touch the damn screen. If you're on verizon and you're torn I say try them both out,if you know/enjoy flashing and you do alot of typing then its TP2 all the way, if you want entertainment then you should look at the droid. On the other hand, I believe I read an article today that said the droid/eris were just the tip of the iceberg. I believe the article said that verizon intends to "go after the smartphone crown" by releasing upwards of 15 smartphones by years' end. If you can, I suggest you take a wait and see attitude like spiritcrusher33. Its a good time for us smartphone lovers and I must say I'm glad I'm eligible for an upgrade in december.

Last edited by smoove21; 11-02-2009 at 08:03 PM.
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