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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 11:19 AM
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Droid Users in Utah?

So, I am sure there are those who will start reading this and think, "Why is this quesiton posted here, it doesn't belong here", but hear me out, it actually does.

I am planning a trip out west this summer and will spend several days in Arches, Bryce Canyon, Zion, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Looking at the VZ 3G coverage map, things look spotty. I know spotty coverage can really drain your battery. Any Droid users in Utah (or other similar locations) that can give me tips on how not to drain my Droid in 4 hours while I am there? Also, any ideas of how coverage is in Moab and Kanab? Are there any apps that will turn off services autmatically in these types of areas?

BTW - there is a National Park app that has all of the maps for National PArks - very nice.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

I can't vouch for Utah, but I live in rural New Mexico and the coverage map shows that I am in the no service zone, but my phone works perfectly about 90% of the time. In fact, I don't even have a VZW store anywhere around me. When I try to purchase a phone or something online and it asks for my zip, I have to put one in for a different area because if I put mine in, it says that VZW currently has no coverage for my area. I only know one other person around here that has VZW besides my wife and I. The funny thing is that it works better than Sprint, At&t, and T-Mo, and they cover the area.
If you want to turn off your radio to save your battery, just activate airplane mode and you should be good to go.

Last edited by tvandyck7; 04-02-2010 at 01:40 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 01:58 PM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

Traveling through the Southern Utah area I would suggest AT&T or Cellularone they are the main carriers in that area and are both GSM. The CDMA network is spotty at best in that area. When you are in the parks you most like will not have much coverage, I know that the tower servicing Bryce is about 5 miles NE of the entrance to the park. So in the park it will be next to non existing. Out side of the park will be a little better around the Ruby's Inn area and Tropic.
I dispatched a trucking fleet that serviced that area. The drivers had Sprint and AT&T phones for use.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

i live in southern utah and verizon is awesome here i wouldnt go with at&t and CellularOne was bought out by Alltel a few years ago but you should have pretty good service in all those areas with verizon
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

I'm actually from Utah (just moved from there a few years ago). My brother-in-law goes to Moab all the time with his Verizon phone and gets coverage. I've been to Kanab with mine and it worked great. I would suggest a car charger for sure - especially if you're worried about it draining. If you're REALLY worried about your battery, I would also get an extra one with the battery charger and car charger. You can charge your spare battery while using the other. When the one you're using dies, just swap with the charged battery (that's what I do). Here is a link to the battery charger I'm talking about: http://www.verizonwireless.com:80/b2...hetypeId=11687
Here is an overall link for the battery and chargers: http://www.verizonwireless.com:80/b2...y&categoryId=3
Hope this helps.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 10:29 AM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

Thanks for all the feedback from Utah peeps.

I do have a good car charger (I like the iGo chargers) and also picked up an extra battery and a dock that chargers the phone and spare battery.

I wouldn't change my carrier just for the trip. Both my friend and I use Verizon. i know you can sometimes get coverage, even where the map shows none.

My guess is that within Zion and Bryce we might get a weak signal, but not enough to make using the phone worthwhile.

I am hoping to find some crazy spot where you get a couple bars so I can do live streaming video with Ustream from my Droid.

I will probably also get the data tethering plan for the month so we can have internet on the trip out and back on the laptop.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 10:55 AM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

Originally Posted by The Zune Lune View Post
Thanks for all the feedback from Utah peeps.

I do have a good car charger (I like the iGo chargers) and also picked up an extra battery and a dock that chargers the phone and spare battery.

I wouldn't change my carrier just for the trip. Both my friend and I use Verizon. i know you can sometimes get coverage, even where the map shows none.

My guess is that within Zion and Bryce we might get a weak signal, but not enough to make using the phone worthwhile.

I am hoping to find some crazy spot where you get a couple bars so I can do live streaming video with Ustream from my Droid.

I will probably also get the data tethering plan for the month so we can have internet on the trip out and back on the laptop.
Going on the same question as far as signal goes. I didnt want open a new thread so i figured i would ask here. Im taking a trip to alleghny New york in the moutains. Just like for the trip to utah, the map show very spotty at best so I was wondering if anyone lives out that direction or has been up there with verizon?

and as far as a tethering plan goes for the droid there is none. Just to give you heads up. even though we can teather its against verizon policy so use it spearingly

As always thanks in advance.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 10:58 AM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

I actually frequently travel through western NY and I have never had an issue with coverage. Is there a specific town? I can check on my way through this weekend.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: Droid Users in Utah?

Originally Posted by The Zune Lune View Post
I actually frequently travel through western NY and I have never had an issue with coverage. Is there a specific town? I can check on my way through this weekend.
Thanks I would appreciate that a whole lot. Ive been up there in the past with other carriers and it a hit or miss sitituation. but If im not mistaken the city is Salamanca NY 14779. It is the moutains so Im taking that in consideration but still currious. Thanks
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