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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 01:55 AM
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questions about memory/processor

I'm thinking about getting either the Thunderbolt or the Droid X2 and would like some expert opinions on the subject.

My question is when it comes to performance which one do you think will be better? (Data connection speeds aside) I know that the X2 isn't out yet so you can't really compare but when it comes to hardware is a phone with a Tegra 2 dual core processor and less RAM likely to perform better than a 1Ghz 2nd gen. processor and more RAM?

For those of you who have had the Droid X, did the motoblur interface slow it down alot compared to HTC's sense interface? Do you think there will be a noticeable enough performance difference to really make one device stand out versus the other or will it be simply a matter of 3G vs 4G (and battery)?
Favorite ROMs for Imagio right now:
Project Teya - THE BEST I've used!! =D>
- Very Clean D2C2 ROM Ver 3a -> Notes/Tips/Bugs
- Stedysoft FullDeck R14 -> Notes/bugs/tips HERE
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 10:40 AM
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Re: questions about memory/processor

Originally Posted by coolpoete View Post
I'm thinking about getting either the Thunderbolt or the Droid X2 and would like some expert opinions on the subject.

My question is when it comes to performance which one do you think will be better? (Data connection speeds aside) I know that the X2 isn't out yet so you can't really compare but when it comes to hardware is a phone with a Tegra 2 dual core processor and less RAM likely to perform better than a 1Ghz 2nd gen. processor and more RAM?

For those of you who have had the Droid X, did the motoblur interface slow it down alot compared to HTC's sense interface? Do you think there will be a noticeable enough performance difference to really make one device stand out versus the other or will it be simply a matter of 3G vs 4G (and battery)?

I have seen a lot of complaints about the Droid X with regard to the ugly UI, bugs, performance, lack of development, and performance.

I'd go Thunderbolt because HTC just knows how to code better than Moto does. Sense is so much better a UI it's not even funny. There is tons of development for HTC devices and IMO they perform much better. I cannot wait to get my hands on the Sensation as soon as it comes out and as far as TB vs X2 I'd honestly take better coding and more development over dual-core. There Nexus S IMO performs much better than the Atrix and again that's Google coding over Samsung's single-processor hummingbird vs. Moto's abysmal coding over a dual-core.

Honestly I'd skip both and wait for an HTC Dual-Core device.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 10:50 AM
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Re: questions about memory/processor

This is a great viewpoint as well. I have posted this question elsewhere and most responses point to the Thunderbolt but battery is an issue for me. Ideally I'd like to be able to use the phone without having to root for awhile. I figure if I turn off 4G (as it's not in my area right now anyway) and do simple other things like turn off things like WiFi/GPS when not needed I should be good. I'll take a stab at it and try it and if I don't like it within 30 days I can return it and get something else, perhaps a Charge.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 11:03 AM
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Re: questions about memory/processor

Originally Posted by coolpoete View Post
This is a great viewpoint as well. I have posted this question elsewhere and most responses point to the Thunderbolt but battery is an issue for me. Ideally I'd like to be able to use the phone without having to root for awhile. I figure if I turn off 4G (as it's not in my area right now anyway) and do simple other things like turn off things like WiFi/GPS when not needed I should be good. I'll take a stab at it and try it and if I don't like it within 30 days I can return it and get something else, perhaps a Charge.
Again, I hate Samsung coding too. The SGS had a lot of problems, especially on tmobile and ATT, the CDMA seemed to do better.

I'd try the TB for a while, and like you said tweak for better performance. If it sucks within 30 then yeah bring it back.

I don't think the Charge or X2 are going to have better battery life anyways.
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