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View Poll Results: Would You Prefer a Very Basic ROM with Functionality to Add Cabs on the Fly
Yes - Strip it All Out and Provide Cabs for Stripped Out Pieces 7 46.67%
No - I Actually Like What You Have Incorporated into Your ROMs 5 33.33%
Maybe - Pear Back What You Have Included to Something Smaller 3 20.00%
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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 02:03 AM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

I just made a cursory review of the test_v2 rom. I do need to roll back to the v1.2R2. I need RDP adobeLE and last but not least Office. I also use the RSS Hub on regular basis.

Honestly I could not see any visual or noticeable changes in V2. It was definately lighter but didnt seem faster or more responsive.

I did notice that I was no longer promted for credentials for a data connection on boot. I always just pressed OK and moved on but never undertstood why it was there.

Last edited by Hormazd; 06-09-2010 at 02:06 AM.
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  #172 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 07:56 AM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Originally Posted by Hormazd View Post
I have an issue with the inability to retract the soft keyboard. The keyboard button now shows input options instead of retracting. The OEM VZ Rom had an small arrow next to the button for options and button itself launched and retracted the keyboard. Am I missing something?
To answer both your questions:

1) Is my new ROM stable? Well that's the whole reason why I call it a teaser ROM. It's the reason why I put out the disclaimer on this "test" ROM.

2) I have noticed that you have to tap it directly and it does retract. I will look into whether I can tune this up.

As to the latest test ROM if any of you downloaded it please remove it, as it has a few items that I am not happy with.

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  #173 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 10:19 AM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

I had a chance to test both "test" roms. The first release - with "stuff". and the 2nd release without "stuff". I preferred the first test release as I have to add all that stuff if it is not already there.

Just my opinion - after flashing "test V2b" I flashed back to "test V2a". Besides - there were some strange bugs with "test 2b" - anyone running it should reflash (or flashback lol).

As for the keyboard retracting in 6.5.x I have read multiple times in all of the rom threads people with the same problem. The key to retracting the keyboard is to not press directly on the keyboard button. press a hair below it and a hair to the left. It has nothing to do with Steve's rom (except that is 6.5.x).
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  #174 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Originally Posted by maisonpulaski View Post
As for the keyboard retracting in 6.5.x I have read multiple times in all of the rom threads people with the same problem. The key to retracting the keyboard is to not press directly on the keyboard button. press a hair below it and a hair to the left. It has nothing to do with Steve's rom (except that is 6.5.x).
Thank you. That works.
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  #175 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Ok all I have created 2 new v2 test builds if anyone would like to do some new testing with what is current v2. I have created a 21904 and 23569 build that is identical to the current v1.2 builds that are now available.

23569 link is: http://www.4shared.com/file/kjE5pEvF/23569_v2_Test.html

21904 link is: http://www.4shared.com/file/Ws3wr38V/21904_v2_Test.html

I have added the HTC Task Manager to both builds, but due to the use of the HTC Notification Enhancement it will not be available in the upper right corner. I have tested a number of ways to overcome this, and I am not happy with any of them. In thinking more about this I realized the answer was right under my nose, and that is create a program link to the task manager app in Cookie. This gives you instant access to it from your home screen...make sense?

A couple more nuggets of information on what will go into the new v2 build. Due to some major help from Jmart my final v2 will have both 2014 and 2015 components, including Sense. I am very excited to take the next step in the Sense evolution, and look forward to seeing how it operates in comparison to 2012 and 2013. Big kudos to Jmart for being able to take a Korean ROM that had 2015 Sense and convert it to WWE. He saved me the headache of trying to do that and really screwing it up!

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  #176 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 09:08 PM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Thanks for thinking of us "21904 users Steve" lol. I was waiting for that. Im downloading now and I'll let you know. And thanks for adding the task manager. It helps a lot on the battery.
And I'm glad that you put the settings icon back in that when you tap on it it takes you to the systems screen. Thats a bunch easier than going through the whole menu thing. If you want to go there, you can just scroll on the today items to get to it. Thanks for that!

Last edited by dedi2034; 06-09-2010 at 09:30 PM.
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  #177 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 07:48 AM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Originally Posted by dedi2034 View Post
Thanks for thinking of us "21904 users Steve" lol. I was waiting for that. Im downloading now and I'll let you know. And thanks for adding the task manager. It helps a lot on the battery.
And I'm glad that you put the settings icon back in that when you tap on it it takes you to the systems screen. Thats a bunch easier than going through the whole menu thing. If you want to go there, you can just scroll on the today items to get to it. Thanks for that!
Menu thing to get to settings? You slide over to Settings/Menu/All Settings. Don't get too used to the Settings icon. It will go away to remain consistent with how HTC is doing it.

I wanted to mention to all that if you could download the v2 version you would use that I am looking to understand if there are many issues with v2 in comparison to an identical v1.2 ROM. I am seeing some things in v2 that has me nervous, and I am trying to figure out why this is.

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  #178 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Evening all,

While I have not been messaging here I have been hard at work with the building and testing of v2. I will be uploading a new test ROM for those of you that would like to see how its looking to date. Currently the ROMs contain the core Sense 2015 components:



Additional apps added are as follows:


Alot of cleanup of files and reg is included, as well as many mem tweaks that have helped to make available about 80 meg of RAM after fully operational. There is more to be done in this area!

Believe me when I say this was a tremendous undertaking, but one I am very proud of. Big kudos to Jmart518 for helping me with language conversions, and making available updated packages that have made their way into this build. As always much thanks to all the brains at PPCKitchen. Without them I would be totally lost!

As always these "sneak peek" ROMs are still very much a work in progress. While I do not believe I will be doing anything more with Sense I will be adding a few more ancillary updates, as well as continued cleanup. For those of you that will test I would like to get your feedback on overall look and feel, usage, performance, etc. I am really looking to make this the best it can be right out of the gate.

I will update this notice with new links to the v2 ROMs once they are uploaded. Please keep an eye out for the update.

21905 link: http://www.4shared.com/file/chsx6rjA/21905_v2_Test.html

23569 link: http://www.4shared.com/file/kjE5pEvF/23569_v2_Test.html


Last edited by spetrillo; 06-13-2010 at 11:57 PM. Reason: New v2 Test ROMs Uploaded
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  #179 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 11:21 AM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Steve - testing the latest test rom. Very awesome. Very fast. I boot at 56% which is the lowest ever using Sense.

One major problem for now. The Wifi router is not working for me. It says "cannot turn on wifi".

In the Comm Manager, if I hit the wifi toggle switch, the wheels start turning, but it does not toggle on.

I don't know if their are some settings that have to be adjusted. But I am no good with that stuff - SSID's, Network Adapters, Add New Connections etc. It always just worked.

So I don't know how to fix it and I will definitely have to roll back if there is not a solution as my phone is my main connection to the web.


Just reporting a few more things...

1. The option "Internet Sharing" - when you connect your phone via usb does not work for me either. My phone tells me, "Check USB connection".

2. Modem Link does work. So that is cool. It gives me access to the internet for now.

3. I am unable to receive picture messages. Have not tested this extensively. My wife sent me one and I get a message, "Unable to download message". I know that the HTC messaging looks a lot better than Arcsoft, but I prefer the functionality of Arcsoft (I think that is what it is called) to what I have experienced of the HTC messaging client so far. Just my opinion and feed back though.

4. In messaging - the send button is still in Korean?

5. Is there no weather tab? Or am I a complete moron (completely possible)? If having no weather tab contributes to the great increase in speed (the rom is much more responsive and snappy) - then I can live without weather.

Ok - so that was just a few more things I came across today. Hope that is not discouraging. Just trying to share what I have observed. Looking forward to the release of V.2

Last edited by thepolishguy; 06-14-2010 at 11:16 PM.
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  #180 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 01:06 AM
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Re: Steve's Imagio Manila ROM v1.2

Steve, is Office and Adobe reader in the latest ROM? And RDP client?
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