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  #541 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Works here. For some reason it wouldn't successfully install due to permissions or something so I just ran SDKcerts and then it installed fine.

The messaging apps seem to load a little slowly even when the system is at around 66%.

Opera 9.5 isn't great. 9.7 seems close to 10 in speed. I'm just not into 10. No zoom bar utilization and the page slides around when I move up or down. But 10 is pretty fast. My ideal would be 9.7 where the bookmarks/favorites both load from MyPhone i.e. drellisdee's.

Here's what's GREAT!

First it seems you spent plenty of time with the Start Menu. I loaded Total Commander so they apps I install remain clean and go into your folders. The Soft Reset included is nice.

STANDBY - I can program the media button to standby/lock my phone out of the box without installing xdashutdown -lightsout

I HAVE NOT HAD TO RESET OR BATTERY PULL except when I have chosen to.

Live Mail deleted items sync properly.

I REALLY like the unlock bar. The lock screen looks great.

This is going to be a keeper until if/when you do 1.9

I have tried just about everyone of these ROMs. I use my phone for work and rely heavily on data, sms, calendar, Opera. Not too much calling but I need to be able to make/receive calls without messing around.

This build does it all.
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  #542 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 09:22 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Has anybody tried installing the old version of Bing (4.6.9179.1) over the version in this ROM (or any other ROM that had 5.x included)? I know 5.x looks better but I don't want to give up the features that were removed (e.g. gas prices, movie times, Contacts integration).

I'll probably try it myself eventually but since public reaction to the Bing update has frequently been negative I thought I'd check if anybody has tried it yet.
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  #543 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 09:54 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Originally Posted by blue_94_trooper View Post
Has anybody tried installing the old version of Bing (4.6.9179.1) over the version in this ROM (or any other ROM that had 5.x included)? I know 5.x looks better but I don't want to give up the features that were removed (e.g. gas prices, movie times, Contacts integration).

I'll probably try it myself eventually but since public reaction to the Bing update has frequently been negative I thought I'd check if anybody has tried it yet.
Both versions are installed 4.6.9179.1, 5.1.2010.3290 and working fine... (I do like some features of the old one too... just renamed it to Live Search...), so you don't need to install it again... just a note... to get location, click "Current GPS" on 4.6.... (5.1 is automatic)
[Carrier: T-Mobile] [Phone: XV6975 (HTC Imagio)] [ROM: MyCleanImagio]
[WM Build: 21874] [Radio: 2.25.00WVL]

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  #544 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 10:11 AM
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Wirelessly posted (XV6975 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))

oops.I didn't see the new Bing and installed it myself. does that just overwrite the ROM version?
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  #545 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 10:14 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Originally Posted by johnbrain View Post
Wirelessly posted (XV6975 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))

oops.I didn't see the new Bing and installed it myself. does that just overwrite the ROM version?
I guess...lol, I dont know...probably does... should be no problem though...
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  #546 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 10:28 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Originally Posted by adortab View Post
Both versions are installed
Thanks! I wasn't sure if that was going to be enough to prevent me from upgrading to 1.8 but now I don't have to decide.
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  #547 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 10:30 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Have had 1.8 PLAIN VZW rar. installed for 24 hours and it has performed the way I expected it would . No problems since adding the cab yesterday , still fast and stable . No freezes and no resets needed. Memory stays between 86 and 74% . Had some issues with Opera 10 so installed the new Oprea mini 5 from over at xda and it works great and faster. No need to keep testing roms for myself , will stick with this one , can't do any better.
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  #548 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 12:06 PM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

1.8 Custom Build Verizon for about 15 hours. After the answer call lag patch all is well. I also went ahead and updated CHT 1.7.1. This ROM seems to be the smoothest of all so far. No lags, no resets. Zippier than the others in my opinion.
Three very minor issues on my wish list....
1) BSB Config is gone
2) When I disable Sense and use the Today Screen I can no longer put an icon shortcut to "Settings or HTC Settings"
3) This is my 4th Imagio because of the bottom hardware buttons failures. (Widely known Imagio Problem) Is there any cab or something to wake up the device using the volume buttons?

Adortab, thank you. Love this. I sent a donations btw. Keep them coming.
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  #549 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 01:49 PM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Originally Posted by wanablikhm View Post
1.8 Custom Build Verizon for about 15 hours. After the answer call lag patch all is well. I also went ahead and updated CHT 1.7.1. This ROM seems to be the smoothest of all so far. No lags, no resets. Zippier than the others in my opinion.
Three very minor issues on my wish list....
1) BSB Config is gone
2) When I disable Sense and use the Today Screen I can no longer put an icon shortcut to "Settings or HTC Settings"
3) This is my 4th Imagio because of the bottom hardware buttons failures. (Widely known Imagio Problem) Is there any cab or something to wake up the device using the volume buttons?

Adortab, thank you. Love this. I sent a donations btw. Keep them coming.
BSB was removed cause after trying the tweaks offered, most of them just "screw up" the rom, changing/breaking all the tweaks already applied, it's a fantastic/great program, don't take me wrong, but MyCleanImagio already have most of them applied. (In fact I dont recommend using any "tweaker", if you find some tweaks that improves the rom, please post, i'll find a way to implement them at the core/build.. (after testing))

Ill post tonight after work a setting to keep the links after disabling sense... its pretty easy...

On the wake-up issue, I do have some options that probably will come on the next version already, one is to map any hardware button you want to wake the phone, another is using the "zoom" bar/slider at the bottom of the phone, this last one, pretty neat but needs a little more work developed by me... (should come out when I finish the "MyCleanImagio Control Panel" lol, this one pretty neat too, you will be able to set different skins, options, etc... all right out of the box and customized for our rom such as Rows start menu, four different taskbars, three different lockscreens, clocks, etc, etc...)

Originally Posted by jbh00jh View Post
Have had 1.8 PLAIN VZW rar. installed for 24 hours and it has performed the way I expected it would . No problems since adding the cab yesterday , still fast and stable . No freezes and no resets needed. Memory stays between 86 and 74% . Had some issues with Opera 10 so installed the new Oprea mini 5 from over at xda and it works great and faster. No need to keep testing roms for myself , will stick with this one , can't do any better.
I do have an Opera 10 Final package customized to work with MyCleanImagio, will not interfere with any setting for 9.5, pretty much works as an extra browser, and you can set it as the default one if you want... I'll post it tonight (hopefully)...or tomorrow...

Ill post a new rom build as well just for fun, called "Monster Build" lol, this one will have a lot of the common applications already installed, tested and customized with MyCleanImagio, this build will leave around 85MB free of rom still... that is the build i use myself...after testing the release ones... (saves me a lot of time... cause I love all the options/programs on my phone...).. the applications list includes Opera 10, Resco Resgitry/Explorer, G-Watch (stopwatch), Handy Converter, MySpace, BN eReader, TellMe, Associated Press News (APNews), Reuters NewsPro, Deluxe Moon(worthless but neat), HP 12C, NetFlix Mobile, GPS Dashboard (neat too), Home Screen Customizer 1.5 (Titanium), a few extra games, plus others I just don't remember... I know a lot of people prefer to install your own, but this build might help newbies the same way it helps me... saves a lot of time, and it's all installed right out of the box. (Still 85mb free, so its not like we will run out of memory!)

On 1.9 (hopefully), you will be able to prepare your own customizations, the rom will look for your specific settings/cabs to be installed during the flash process. (When the time comes, will post a detailed walkthrough on how you should prepare your setup..., its pretty neat too... will save a lot of time, and you will have your phone, the way you want, right after flashing, making any upgrade process a little easier)

Anyway, just a heads up on what ill be working over the next few weeks...lol

Feel free to make your sugestions on what you would like to see included or taken out of the rom/builds... the rom seems to be very stable ( 1.8 ) for the day by day use. (better than stock for sure).

Thank you

Last edited by adortab; 04-20-2010 at 02:05 PM.
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  #550 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 02:38 PM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Darn , I thought 1.8 was as good as it would get and I wouldn't have anything else to play with. I didn't think i could improve the Imagio anymore so was going to order an HTC Incredible this week . Looks like I can put that off for a while.
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