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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 11:37 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by Wildman View Post
Sounds like you may have two issues....
1. If file is saying its corrupt it usually mean a failed download.... Try redownloading rom..

2. You say the rom you have is a "energy titanium only build".... I was just on forum and designer just reported today that he was working on a basic energy rom with only titanium installed, which means you may be downloading the wrong rom for the imagio (Might want to double check this).... Use wrong rom will brick your unit and it will be over for you.
I figured it out 6 days ago. Thanks to some helpful forum folk. I tether for internet and needed to be internet connected to install the hspl. Just needed my sequence adjusted and it worked fine.
Back then one of the energy titanium roms was corrupted for some reason. It seemed to be removed or fixed the next day so all is great. Both of the energy titanium roms are excellent BTW and work great for anybody who likes that build.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2010, 02:13 AM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by cbreze View Post
I figured it out 6 days ago. Thanks to some helpful forum folk. I tether for internet and needed to be internet connected to install the hspl. Just needed my sequence adjusted and it worked fine.
Back then one of the energy titanium roms was corrupted for some reason. It seemed to be removed or fixed the next day so all is great. Both of the energy titanium roms are excellent BTW and work great for anybody who likes that build.
Ok glad you got it figured out... Also I just figured out that the titanium build is located under the 2.1 build area, I went straight for 2.5 and didn't even look there..
HTC (Imagio). Change is good and customizing is better, but always remember that backing up should still be the first golden rule...
If I am able to help you, feel free to press http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/images/but...ost_thanks.gif

Last edited by Wildman; 03-20-2010 at 02:31 AM.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by wedgemoose View Post
thats all i needed kid... thank you very much. I know I have to read. I know nobody has time. i know what this is about.

Again thanks very much. THATS the DIRECTION i needed....

off to reading (now that i know where to)
If you have specific questions, that would help a lot. Just saying, "I don't like this, tell me why I should." doesn't really help anyone help you.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by daroga View Post
If you have specific questions, that would help a lot. Just saying, "I don't like this, tell me why I should." doesn't really help anyone help you.
That was just a phrase to let you know that I'm dying to use 2.5 and was having trouble finding certain common settings. it turns out there not in 2.5 (missed call - missed voicmail). And i just need a place to go and read (after having no luck searching). the next sentence explained my specific question. "normal operational tips". That was it! that was my specific question. A few people knew exactly what I was asking and led me in the correct direction. But thanks anyways for the advise. I'll do better next time.
The Imagio is the best phone I have EVER owned !!!!!!!!
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 02:50 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

So, I am thinking of jumping on the ship, and unlock - load ROM. I have a few questions, as I can't seem to find an answer after checking out this post and a few others.

These custom roms are made by individuals based on thier personal prefrences, like a custom car designer. Which chef has a track record of creating ROMS for a 50/35/15 gaming / texting / calling phone? I currently have a butt load of games on my phone, and text crazy to wife and kids, and finally use it to make calls. I check stocks daily, as well as my Phoenix Coyotes, and of course PPC and XDA. So I need a ROM that allows me good speed for games, stable texting, and internet quickness.

When I flash in the new ROM, if I need any service, I need to return ROM to stock, or just get the relocker?

Internet connection, I keep hearing about tethering. Have no idea what that is. I would do this flashing on my home laptop, which has internet connection via wireless modem to the home desktop. Is that more than enough? And the internet connection is wicked stable, and strong enough where I can use it at the next block.

I think thats enough noob questions for now.

I love my Imagio, but like the look of TF3D 2.5, so am willing to take this step. So one last question, can I brick this phone and make it absolutely unusable, or just loose everything on it after a failed flash before returning to stock ROM?

Ok, one last question. regarding ROM's and chefs, not looking at what I would use it for, who is making the most stable ROM to date? And with all these updates I hear about, to I have to continually unlock, and re-install the update, or is it like a cab that I just download and install?

Last edited by jabson; 03-23-2010 at 02:52 PM.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 03:24 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by jabson View Post
So, I am thinking of jumping on the ship, and unlock - load ROM. I have a few questions, as I can't seem to find an answer after checking out this post and a few others.

These custom roms are made by individuals based on thier personal prefrences, like a custom car designer. Which chef has a track record of creating ROMS for a 50/35/15 gaming / texting / calling phone? I currently have a butt load of games on my phone, and text crazy to wife and kids, and finally use it to make calls. I check stocks daily, as well as my Phoenix Coyotes, and of course PPC and XDA. So I need a ROM that allows me good speed for games, stable texting, and internet quickness.

When I flash in the new ROM, if I need any service, I need to return ROM to stock, or just get the relocker?

Internet connection, I keep hearing about tethering. Have no idea what that is. I would do this flashing on my home laptop, which has internet connection via wireless modem to the home desktop. Is that more than enough? And the internet connection is wicked stable, and strong enough where I can use it at the next block.

I think thats enough noob questions for now.

I love my Imagio, but like the look of TF3D 2.5, so am willing to take this step. So one last question, can I brick this phone and make it absolutely unusable, or just loose everything on it after a failed flash before returning to stock ROM?

Ok, one last question. regarding ROM's and chefs, not looking at what I would use it for, who is making the most stable ROM to date? And with all these updates I hear about, to I have to continually unlock, and re-install the update, or is it like a cab that I just download and install?
Jabson, i am by no means a pro like these guys but I can help you with a few of your questions because of actually flashing a ROM or Two.

Once you "Un-lock" once your unlocked for good. You never Un-lock again (Unless you re-lock and want to un-lock down the road)

Yes, these custom ROM's are like custom cars. They put in what they think is best (but mostly take out the useless bloatware)

When they update a ROM you have to start over again.Just like flashing for the first time.

Your laptop with internet connection is perfect. They were talking about having no other internet connection than their phone.

If you want to go back to your stock ROM you don't have to Re-lock. you can keep your stock ROM while it's un-locked.

hoped this helped a little
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 03:38 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Very much so! You mentions that I can keep the stock ROM while I am unlocked, does that mean the Stock ROM remains on my phone? Or does the Flasher remove the stock and stores it on my desktop or laptop? If it does store it on the phone, doesn't that mean I have 2 OS's or whatever taking up memory?

And who's do you have, and hows it working for you?
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 03:52 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by jabson View Post
Very much so! You mentions that I can keep the stock ROM while I am unlocked, does that mean the Stock ROM remains on my phone? Or does the Flasher remove the stock and stores it on my desktop or laptop? If it does store it on the phone, doesn't that mean I have 2 OS's or whatever taking up memory?

And who's do you have, and hows it working for you?
I'm sorry for not explaining better. The first step you do is to Un-lock your phone. You will still have your stock ROM but it will be un-locked. un-locked just allows you to falsh a new ROM. Once you choose which ROM you want and then flash, that is all you have. Your stock ROM is gone. (no two on the phone at once). You can get it back no problem if you don't like the ROM you chose by flashing to the stock ROM in this section. So either way you are safe. The only thing you have to remember is each time you flash (whether to a new fancy custom ROM or back to your original style ROM) you start over brand new. Just like when you bought it.

I had to go back to Stock for certain reasons. I like you loved the look of 2.5 but I use mine for work and needed to have "missed calls & missed Voicemails" on the home screen. my situation is a little weird. I need to be able to look at my phone and see those two things without hitting too many buttons. So unluckily i had to go back to stock. I was using the Drellies one. And i loved it. My problems were with 2.5 (not the ROM itself)

good luck and hope this helped.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Unlocking did NOT erase my stock ROM, even though that during the process it said it would. Cmonex even explains in the unlocker thread that this would happen. Once you flash to a custom ROM, then the stock ROM is gone, and no, it is not stored on your phone or your laptop. It is, however available in the upgrade section where the custom ROMs are.

I keep going back and forth between Drellisdee and NRG ROMs. Drell has Youtube and WMP working great and it seems to be pretty stable. NRG is a lot of eye candy and customized with add-ons and different keyboards and dialers but Youtube only works in low qualitity. Also, with the latest NRG, you have to assign your login and password to get the data connection to work, don't miss this (it's in the thread).

Like them both, can't decide. I don't game so can't help you there. Good luck, flashing is addictive.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:09 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Thanks guys, so I guess I will download both for now, and see which I like better. Now Wedge, you mentioned it was like starting over new, does that mean I gotta call verizon to activate, or just that I will have to re-install my apps?

Last edited by jabson; 03-23-2010 at 04:14 PM. Reason: spelling!
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