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  #701 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 06:46 PM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Originally Posted by rachbu View Post
yeah, i've noticed that too--when my phone dies, often gwes.exe is spiking. what is that process?
Essentially, it's the UI subsystem. I've been poking around today and have found a number of references to this process being worse in this build than in previous ones, and it's been a problem throughout most of the WinMo 6.5 lifecycle, but external applications (like Opera, for example) can also cause GWES to appear to leak memory.

Probably a combination of both, given that as Drellisdee cautioned us, we are using unofficial bleeding edge builds of Windows CE. Maybe the next OS build will solve some problems, but even if it doesn't, I for one am still so much happier with my phone I can live with a soft reset every couple days No way am I going back to stock!! lol. I saw some references to using an older gwes.exe, but that's playing with fire in my opinion.
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  #702 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2010, 07:16 AM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Originally Posted by djp952 View Post
Essentially, it's the UI subsystem. I've been poking around today and have found a number of references to this process being worse in this build than in previous ones, and it's been a problem throughout most of the WinMo 6.5 lifecycle, but external applications (like Opera, for example) can also cause GWES to appear to leak memory.

Probably a combination of both, given that as Drellisdee cautioned us, we are using unofficial bleeding edge builds of Windows CE. Maybe the next OS build will solve some problems, but even if it doesn't, I for one am still so much happier with my phone I can live with a soft reset every couple days No way am I going back to stock!! lol. I saw some references to using an older gwes.exe, but that's playing with fire in my opinion.
Graphical Windowing Event Subsystem to be exact. Couldn't put it better than above post. I soft reset mine daily because of the microsoft leak in gwes.exe. I've been very busy lately and will try a new build soon to see if it lesssens it.
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  #703 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2010, 01:42 PM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Tested and all very good but GOOGLE MAP error, you can check it.
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  #704 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 12:04 AM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Drell, eagerly awaiting a 23566 rom from you. I'm sure it will be great! Have you decided if you're going to keep cooking roms with extendir or are you going back to the original so Google Maps works, or both?
If I helped in any way, please press the button! Currently running:
Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.4
SYS: Windows Mobile 6.5.5 23568
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  #705 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:48 AM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
Graphical Windowing Event Subsystem to be exact. Couldn't put it better than above post. I soft reset mine daily because of the microsoft leak in gwes.exe. I've been very busy lately and will try a new build soon to see if it lesssens it.
ugh.. hurry UP! How DARE you have a life outside ppcgeeks???
VZW | HTC IMAGIO | Drellisdee.Whitestone.
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  #706 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

I am waiting for new drellisdee rom with core 21xxx.
I like drellisdee rom so much, but in my country, I cannot install local keyboard and few others software in rom with core 23xxx. Can you cook a new rom with core 21xxx?
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  #707 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2010, 06:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Just downloaded 23568 and will try to build it in the next day or two as time allows. Extendir was just a side project and I don't think I'll continue it as I tried the newer versions and they wouldn't boot where 1.6 version would after modification.
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  #708 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2010, 06:31 PM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Thanks for the update Drell . cant wait to see the next build, 1.3 has been great, fast and stable!!
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  #709 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Uploading RC1.4 23568 please read change log. ETA about 1:30am est if I don't fall asleep 1st.
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  #710 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 06:13 AM
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Unhappy Re: [ROM] 6.5.5 Drellisdee Whitestone RC1.3 23563 4/20/10

Wow read the change log, no custom task bars because of HTC taskmanager. Any way to leave showcase and htc taskmanager out of the build, i loves me custom taskbars.

On the 1.3 build i have not been allowing showcase to load and i have been linking the "taskmgr.exe" to a hot key and this has worked great. no fancy programs, no lock ups and it loads the taskmanager immediately. can switch programs easily and shutdown any of them easily. bummed to read the change log.
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