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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

Originally Posted by MrGoodtunes View Post
Not as many as you've helped me, I'm pretty sure (have not been counting). Looks like you dumped your Diamond? But kept Vogue.
LOL. Ok will call it even . And yes no more diamond or pro, I have the pro 2 but it is just a paper weight on my desk right now lol... Love the Vogue!.... Thanks T M Z
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

Originally Posted by MrGoodtunes View Post
I remember standing in line, waiting for my local Sprint store to open just before noon on a Sunday, two years ago today, November 4th - Vogue's USA public debut. The line was only about a dozen people, nothing like all the hype surrounding iPhone's debut several weeks earlier. But I was not interested in that thin, heavy Apple product, it felt (still does) like a cold slab of lead weighing me down and hooking me aboard a ship that would sail away from freedom of choice for a situation essentially dictated by one man. And though my Vogue was going at top dollar ($250), I just couldn't wait. And even though it eventually became available for free (with new contract), I feel like I got my money's worth, and then some, 'cuz it continues to be my choice above all the new phones being released.
Soo Sweet! I still feel great about my own one year down the road. Actually, I like it so much I got two spares

Very well said about Apple and loss of freedom... No wonder users who feel stifled have invented the term 'jailbreak' for the act of liberating their iPhone...

In Canada few people realize the Vogue (aka the 'Touch') is one of the rare phones that still offers, on Bell, true Unlimited Internet browsing at the 'bargain basement' [at least for Canadians] price of $10 a month...
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 08:23 PM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

lol happy birthday vogue! my bell touch runs great with unlimited browser pay as you go, and 100 times better with manilla! I cant get high speed where i live so this works perfect for me. I dont use the phone for voice, only data and txt so the fun 20 package lasts all month without having to top it up.
Pushing the limits of things I can afford,
past the point of things i can't afford...

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Old 11-08-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

I've had about 4 of them since they first came out. Great phone with Custom firmware, but crap hardware.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 07:26 PM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

Originally Posted by mfpreach View Post
I've had about 4 of them since they first came out. Great phone with Custom firmware, but crap hardware.
I think the hardware is still pretty good, even up against current generation phones. The Hero has a 528Mhz Processor and our little Vogue has a 400 Mhz. Not too shabby. Memory is a different subject, though. Vogue has half the RAM as all current phones.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 12:08 AM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

Originally Posted by mfpreach View Post
Great phone with Custom firmware, but crap hardware.
Totally disagree with this. The Vogue is one of the most if not the most durable devices that htc has made. That is why they are still around. The hardware may be getting outdated but it is solid .
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 12:37 AM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

I totally disagree about solidity. This is one flimsy phone! If you don't keep it 100% of the time in its pouch (even then, it will get scuffed by any dust that adheres to felt lining), you're guaranteed at least some form of scratches by the end of the first month.

My active phone has been used for 9 months and where the keyboard is, you can see the faint scratches. Even kept 100% in the pouch when not in use. Considering it has very few buttons, it's unconscionable that they couldn't make the body sturdier and more dust or water proof.

Plus,the The body flexes, it's made of cheap plastic, the chrome trim gets loose real fast and as for the electronics... I had my first one fail after 6 weeks (radio died) and my second one, after working without problems for 6 months, started to give me freezing issues where I needed to hard reset it twice in two months.

When it works, it's GREAT. but it needs lots of tweaking to work 'just right'. For example, TouchResponse is a MUST HAVE utility to install and most of its potential only comes out after extensive tweaking.

As for reliability... I acquired two extras phones because I don't want to be left with a great contract and no phone, as I am certain my present phone won't last the three years of my contract and because I am pessimistic about the future of cell phone bandwidth costs. I will NEVER let go of my unlimited browser (unlimited both in bandwidth AND the sites I can navigate to).

Bottom line, it's a GREAT phone because of what it can do, NOT because of its solidity! To be fair, though, 95% of all phones out there barely last longer than the duration of their warranty and honestly, are overpriced and overhyped devices in cheap plastic clothing

You want a robust phone? Get one with a laminated glass screen and a solid metal case!!! (hint, hint). But I will ALWAYS refuse to go with any company that locks me into their mindset or charges tons of money for the same bandwidth.

Bottom line? It's not the phone... It's the whole package
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

Totally disagree dude. I have the sprint version and the housing is very durable and very resistant to scratches. The Verizon version however is a different story. Lots of issues with scratches and cracking. The Sprint version has a rubbery feel to it that is very durable. The screen however is a different story. Just like all the other devices with plastic screens it is easy to scratch. If you get a good screen protector then your good as long as you don't handle your phone like a gorilla ! lolI still say it is one of the most durable devices out there. I still have the first one that got initially and no hardware problems except for a few very minor scratches in the screen. I'm gonna get me a new digitizer soon and put a new protector on it and it should be like new again! Hopefully !!
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 02:25 AM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

19 months for me. So fat it outlasted any HTC phone I've ever had (2 Apache/6700) and had no problem other than the wear on that funky HTC USB connector. Other than that it's solid as a rock. Hell, I'm on my SECOND case for just one phone!
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 02:44 AM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

lol Good to hear! I was about to start a poll to see what others thought. Still might.
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