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Old 11-09-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

Totally disagree dude. I have the sprint version and the housing is very durable and very resistant to scratches. The Verizon version however is a different story. Lots of issues with scratches and cracking. The Sprint version has a rubbery feel to it that is very durable. The screen however is a different story. Just like all the other devices with plastic screens it is easy to scratch. If you get a good screen protector then your good as long as you don't handle your phone like a gorilla ! lolI still say it is one of the most durable devices out there. I still have the first one that got initially and no hardware problems except for a few very minor scratches in the screen. I'm gonna get me a new digitizer soon and put a new protector on it and it should be like new again! Hopefully !!
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