I totally disagree about solidity. This is one flimsy phone! If you don't keep it 100% of the time in its pouch (even then, it will get scuffed by any dust that adheres to felt lining), you're guaranteed at least some form of scratches by the end of the first month.
My active phone has been used for 9 months and where the keyboard is, you can see the faint scratches. Even kept 100% in the pouch when not in use. Considering it has very few buttons, it's unconscionable that they couldn't make the body sturdier and more dust or water proof.
Plus,the The body flexes, it's made of cheap plastic, the chrome trim gets loose real fast and as for the electronics... I had my first one fail after 6 weeks (radio died) and my second one, after working without problems for 6 months, started to give me freezing issues where I needed to hard reset it twice in two months.
When it works, it's GREAT. but it needs lots of tweaking to work 'just right'. For example, TouchResponse is a MUST HAVE utility to install and most of its potential only comes out after extensive tweaking.
As for reliability... I acquired two extras phones because I don't want to be left with a great contract and no phone, as I am certain my present phone won't last the three years of my contract and because I am pessimistic about the future of cell phone bandwidth costs. I will NEVER let go of my unlimited browser (unlimited both in bandwidth AND the sites I can navigate to).
Bottom line, it's a GREAT phone because of what it can do, NOT because of its solidity! To be fair, though, 95% of all phones out there barely last longer than the duration of their warranty and honestly, are overpriced and overhyped devices in cheap plastic clothing
You want a robust phone? Get one with a laminated glass screen and a solid metal case!!! (hint, hint). But I will ALWAYS refuse to go with any company that locks me into their mindset or charges tons of money for the same bandwidth.
Bottom line? It's not the phone... It's the whole package