Hey guys, I've been playing with these phones for a while, I have had a Mogul, and this is my second touch I am working on. I cannot for the life of me get this to work, done tons of reading but am at my wits end.
Supposedly 2 GB cards work for flashing the vogue, right? Well when I try to, I take the Cokeman 2.31 unlocker, load it on 2 GB SD card as VOGUIMG.NBH, enter bootloader, but all that happens is it says "Loading...". Needless to say, nothing happens and it just goes back to the bootloader rainbow. I encountered this problem before and resolved it by using a 512 mb card, but I actually lost the card and cannot find it

. It appears no one carries 512 mb cards anymore, because I've called Staples, Best Buy, Kmart, and they all don't have them smaller than 2GB.
So I decided to try via USB. I have win mo dev center setup, synced up, recognized. Open the RUU.exe, go through the steps. The RUU kicks it to the bootloader screen successfully, but when it comes up, the connection appears to be dropped, and the progress bar never starts to move, failed connection.
Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated!