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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 09:41 AM
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help! can't unlock vogue

Hey guys, I've been playing with these phones for a while, I have had a Mogul, and this is my second touch I am working on. I cannot for the life of me get this to work, done tons of reading but am at my wits end.

Supposedly 2 GB cards work for flashing the vogue, right? Well when I try to, I take the Cokeman 2.31 unlocker, load it on 2 GB SD card as VOGUIMG.NBH, enter bootloader, but all that happens is it says "Loading...". Needless to say, nothing happens and it just goes back to the bootloader rainbow. I encountered this problem before and resolved it by using a 512 mb card, but I actually lost the card and cannot find it . It appears no one carries 512 mb cards anymore, because I've called Staples, Best Buy, Kmart, and they all don't have them smaller than 2GB.

So I decided to try via USB. I have win mo dev center setup, synced up, recognized. Open the RUU.exe, go through the steps. The RUU kicks it to the bootloader screen successfully, but when it comes up, the connection appears to be dropped, and the progress bar never starts to move, failed connection.

Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 10:21 AM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

i just went by the directions when i was working on upgrading my phone to JTs 6.5 WinMo ROM. it seemed pretty easy just made sure i had an active sync connection and then ran the unlocker. It showed a screen in kind of a DOS looking format and told you exactly what to do each step. the only part that was difficult was it said to disconnect the usb cable and reconnect it right away. on this part its just a quick pull it out and put it back. it will still stop the active sync if i remember right but then it will tell you what all to do and will finish unlocking the phone. here is the link to the thread of the unlocker. It sounds harder than it really was, you just need to be confident while doing the steps.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

also i never ran the unlocker from a card but am pretty sure that i have read it needs to be under a 2gb sd card. I dont have the thread but have read it somewhere.. otherwise i hope this helps some.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

Originally Posted by bmar08 View Post
i just went by the directions when i was working on upgrading my phone to JTs 6.5 WinMo ROM. it seemed pretty easy just made sure i had an active sync connection and then ran the unlocker. It showed a screen in kind of a DOS looking format and told you exactly what to do each step. the only part that was difficult was it said to disconnect the usb cable and reconnect it right away. on this part its just a quick pull it out and put it back. it will still stop the active sync if i remember right but then it will tell you what all to do and will finish unlocking the phone. here is the link to the thread of the unlocker. It sounds harder than it really was, you just need to be confident while doing the steps.
Yeah, that's the version of unlocker I'm using. I think you're right, I'm missing the step where you disable USB or pull it out / put it back in. Now that I think back to 2 years ago when I first did this to my old phone, I remember disabling USB in activesync (this was 2007). Now I can't remember exactly when you disable USB / pull plug out and in. The description in the unlocker thread is very vague:

"At one point you need to disconect and reconnect. At this point it will look like it's flashing a rom (standard rom update utility). Let that complete. Finally you will need to disable USB in activesync for the exitbl step. "

The specific dialog where you need to do the usb thing would help =/

Originally Posted by bmar08 View Post
also i never ran the unlocker from a card but am pretty sure that i have read it needs to be under a 2gb sd card. I dont have the thread but have read it somewhere.. otherwise i hope this helps some.
Same thing that I thought, 2 GB or less. Perhaps it's only certain 2 GB cards that work, because my 2GB card just stays on "loading..." Stinks!

Thanks for the tips, I think you're right about the USB thing, just have to figure out exactly when to do it.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 10:39 AM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

ill keep digging a bit and see if i can find it for ya... im pretty sure it gives more details of the unlocking at XDA...if i can find it ill reply with the link.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 10:45 AM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

I found this post from Codybear at XDA but am a little indifferent about how to do it. He says count to ten after disconnecting the usb where for me to get it to work it disconnected it and connected it right back. But you can look at it and see how it works for you... here is the thread, just scroll down to the Table of Contents and select How to Unlock/Flash Rom. Try that and see if it helps anymore in detail.
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Old 08-14-2009, 12:01 PM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

Thanks I'm going to try it again tonight
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 06:33 PM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

GRRRR going nuts! it never tells me to disconnect the usb.... am I supposed to be running something besides the RUU.exe? Everyone talks of this cmd... that tells you to remove usb.

Don't get it!!!
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 06:52 PM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

farthest I can get on USB is load the RUU, recognizes the phone and rom version, it boots the phone to the bootloader, and at that point the usb connection is lost, and never returns to the pc. Phone sits there on rainbow screen saying "Serial" and pc says usb connection lost error. :-/
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Old 08-14-2009, 06:58 PM
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Re: help! can't unlock vogue

Another suggestion to read and reread codybears faq on xda. There's prolly some little thing that you might have missed. Don't give up! You'll get it!
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