Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
Detroit Doug |
Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
Thanks Doug. I didn't see the other thread. Do the latest Sys files buy you anything? I heard there is a way to port just pieces of 6.5 such as Pocket Outlook true?
Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
Mostly they buy you some headaches and a non-functional phone for what it is after all.. a phone... there is a Alltel based Beta ROM of WinMO 6.5 but even the Alltel users have issues with it
Just wait, nothing ground shaking or penis enlarging or anything that will help you gain the attention and respect of the opposite sex or make thousands on the internet while wearing your jammies , its just an operating system, if your phone works now, great ... patiently await a full release then consider an upgrade to it when it is stable Detroit Doug Last edited by detroit_doug; 03-09-2009 at 10:50 AM. |
Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
But yes, ConFlipper has released a Beta for Alltel, which I've tried and it's very unstable. There is a larger thread going on about this, check the next page. I gave a full list of the bugs, but knowing ConFlipper I'm sure he'll be able to whip something up soon but it may not work. I look forward to this, but am happy with my current set up. I can wait, but it doesn't mean that someone has to talk down to you. I apologize for his rude reply. Hope I helped, but again, check the older thread for more info. |
Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
he asked a question and got an answer, going off on me for adding a little HUMOR to a reply. Don't like what I have to say or how its said, fine, I can perfectly accept that, but to then go on with YOUR opinion towards me regarding it is much akin to a pot calling a kettle black. Your free to read and state anything you wish, but remember others have that same right to as well and what they might have to say you may or may not like, get over it and move on. Ive ran the same ROM, never said it was crap, just not complete and it will cause a great deal of headaches attempting to make it functional, to be honest a phone is what the HTC Vogue is what after all, a phone, it should be able to be functional, its a great ROM to check out the features, but not something to run full time and with all the threads and posts elsewhere and over at XDA and the like of people trying it and having lots of problems getting the original ROM (be it stock or custom) working again after it was flashed on the vogue, its just not worth it until an actual product is released and then it can be ripped and ported over to the Vogue fully functional and working Detroit Doug PS leaving this as a moment of agreeing to disagree |
Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
...and what if your phone doesnt work? because windows mobile sucks?? anyone know if windows mobile 6.5 is supposed to be better in terms of speed and stability? latest problems i've had now with windows mobile is phone calls get missed when the screen is off...
i saw some info about honeycomb interface and slick this and that for the ui...but honestly...who cares? HTC makes wonderful additions to the UI which are beatiful...and there's all sorts of 3rd part apps that can change your phone's UI to whatever you want. i'm really more excited about any changes to make windows mobile into a decent operating system...not something where you click a menu and wait 5 seconds for it to open... the htc touch is a great phone. htc makes awesome phones. the best in the world as far as i'm concerned. its just they are still stuck on windows mobile.... i'm seriously considering making android my full time OS...but apparently that also has bugs.. hell. bill gates probably uses an iphone... i mean how does one of the largest companies in the world screw up so bad on this? i can't imagine it costing anywhere near what it costs to put out vista ... so hire another few developers and just make windows mobile right. god, what's the total size on it? less than 64mb i'm sure...not 6gb... Last edited by tom_m; 03-10-2009 at 08:23 PM. |
Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
It took me a couple of weeks to actually piece together an edition of opera that worked with orb as well as having it not default to keyboard but instead to default to compact qwerty. This is just one bug i worked on. i dont think microsoft is capable of making a bug free os. In the defense of any os many times it is the problem of the 3rd party apps we install that causes the headaches.
Many people (not people here though) look at the iphone as the end-all of portable media/cell phones. I think it is a shiny new camaro with a cavalier engine. To introduce a phone with such potential and then criple it like not being able to send or receive MMS is crazy and dont get me started on GPS. Just my .02 god bless HTC. |
Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue
Dredsilee got WM6.5 running on his Vogue. But he said it didn't run too smooth. It was wack on my 6700 though, even with overclocking...
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