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Old 03-10-2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue

Originally Posted by xxmillertimexx View Post
I think that was a little overboard. If someone wants to upgrade their phone, then let them. It's not really your place to tell them to wait, although they're going to anyways. All you had to say was that it will take some time, and it may not work after all. All the sarcasm doesn't do anyone any good. It's actually kind of immature to be honest. He was asking a simple question, and wasn't looking for an opinion.
Wow, hit a bit of a nerve with you or something? did I pea in your Wheaties this morning? LOL (its just a joke, don't get into a tizzy over it , just humor that's all)
he asked a question and got an answer, going off on me for adding a little HUMOR to a reply.

Don't like what I have to say or how its said, fine, I can perfectly accept that, but to then go on with YOUR opinion towards me regarding it is much akin to a pot calling a kettle black.

Your free to read and state anything you wish, but remember others have that same right to as well and what they might have to say you may or may not like, get over it and move on.

Ive ran the same ROM, never said it was crap, just not complete and it will cause a great deal of headaches attempting to make it functional, to be honest a phone is what the HTC Vogue is what after all, a phone, it should be able to be functional, its a great ROM to check out the features, but not something to run full time and with all the threads and posts elsewhere and over at XDA and the like of people trying it and having lots of problems getting the original ROM (be it stock or custom) working again after it was flashed on the vogue, its just not worth it until an actual product is released and then it can be ripped and ported over to the Vogue fully functional and working

Detroit Doug

PS leaving this as a moment of agreeing to disagree
Did any info I supplied help? take a moment and grant a "Thanks" then