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Old 03-10-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: Wm 6.5 for Vogue

Originally Posted by detroit_doug View Post
Mostly they buy you some headaches and a non-functional phone for what it is after all.. a phone... there is a Alltel based Beta ROM of WinMO 6.5 but even the Alltel users have issues with it

Just wait, nothing ground shaking or penis enlarging or anything that will help you gain the attention and respect of the opposite sex or make thousands on the internet while wearing your jammies , its just an operating system, if your phone works now, great ... patiently await a full release then consider an upgrade to it when it is stable

Detroit Doug
I think that was a little overboard. If someone wants to upgrade their phone, then let them. It's not really your place to tell them to wait, although they're going to anyways. All you had to say was that it will take some time, and it may not work after all. All the sarcasm doesn't do anyone any good. It's actually kind of immature to be honest. He was asking a simple question, and wasn't looking for an opinion.

But yes, ConFlipper has released a Beta for Alltel, which I've tried and it's very unstable. There is a larger thread going on about this, check the next page. I gave a full list of the bugs, but knowing ConFlipper I'm sure he'll be able to whip something up soon but it may not work. I look forward to this, but am happy with my current set up. I can wait, but it doesn't mean that someone has to talk down to you. I apologize for his rude reply. Hope I helped, but again, check the older thread for more info.