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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 10:42 AM
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Smile Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm working with an HTC Touch (Sprint) with WM6.1.

Over the last year or so, I've managed to answer a lot of my questions by searching this site and I really appreciate everybody's assistance.

I've still got four questions where I can't seem to find answers. I suspect the answers are already somewhere in this forum and I'm just not getting the right search string.

I finally broke down and called Sprint regarding SprintTV not working. Their only solution was to upgrade to WM 6.1, assuring me that would fix my problem--it didn't. After 2 more phone calls, we're making progress but I don't want to deal with Sprint anymore.

1. My Sprint TV appears to be working now; however, it's too big--it's larger than my Touch Screen. How do I make the SprintTV smaller?

2. I found a thread on this site that talked about editing the registry to make the left softkey a "Start" key.
There is a way to have a Start menu button on the bottom, but I haven't figured out how to get it off the top yet.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Today>Keys>11 2
change Default to "Start"
change Open to "htcStartMenu.exe"
this will allow you to open the Start Menu using the bottom left soft button, but it will not close it on a second press.

I tried that but my phone won't accept the command: htcStartMenu.exe
Does anybody know what the command should be? I searched my phone but couldn't find it.

3. There are times when my keyboard just pops up automatically so I can type info into a field but most of the time I just want to look at the field. How can I keep the keyboard from popping up automatically.

4. Finally, is there a way to hide "Private" contacts without having to purchase seperate software?

Again, I thank you for your time and I appreciate any help you could offer.


  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2009, 01:07 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

i'm like you in a way. I love the site and greatly appreciate all the people and their work. I to have a vogue and have wm6.1 but i'm just changing from treo 700wx. is this phone really what the media made it out to be? Are the flashes that are done, really effective or does it showcase someone else's effort and brains?
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

also KCHruby, how did you ever fix sprintTV or did you?
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2009, 01:23 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Unfortunately None of the four issues that I mentioned have been fixed yet--including Sprint TV being larger than my screen.

I'll probably call Sprint--again--on Wednesday and see if they can help me. If they give me a solution that works, I'll post it here for you.

I upgraded from the 700wx to the HTC Mogul then to the Touch and loved this phone. By far, it was (is) my absolute favorite; however, I really regret upgrading to WM 6.1. That seems to have been the start of my problems. Plus, there are a few more that I managed to fix on my own so didn't post on here.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2009, 01:48 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Originally Posted by KCHruby View Post
Unfortunately None of the four issues that I mentioned have been fixed yet--including Sprint TV being larger than my screen.

I'll probably call Sprint--again--on Wednesday and see if they can help me. If they give me a solution that works, I'll post it here for you.

I upgraded from the 700wx to the HTC Mogul then to the Touch and loved this phone. By far, it was (is) my absolute favorite; however, I really regret upgrading to WM 6.1. That seems to have been the start of my problems. Plus, there are a few more that I managed to fix on my own so didn't post on here.
i would take it to the sprint store and have the techs look at it.most times they can/will fix things in 5 mins. that takes us weeks to figure out.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

A couple suggestions re #2:

Originally Posted by KCHruby View Post
...Start menu button on the bottom, but I haven't figured out how to get it off the top...
First, there was a post about making PPC look more like desktop PC, here:

The above refers to an app intended for an older version of Windows Mobile, and may or may not work on v6.1, but the following is a bit more up to date:

Even that one, though, is a several months old, and refers to an app that may no longer be free. Hope something here helps anyway, MrG
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 02:06 PM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Mr Goodtunes,

Thanks for the assistance. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything there to solve those problems.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

The only thing I have at hand, is a program that allows you to change the softkeys on the bottom of your today screen (attached at bottom). Now I'm sure you can find a program that will allow you to actually add a 'Start' button at the bottom, I'll try and hunt one up for you later, but for now, I'll give you the link to the site I get most all of my freeware from.....

Attached Files
File Type: zip Softkey Changer.zip (18.8 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2009, 08:29 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Thanks for the assistance.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2009, 08:38 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Originally Posted by KCHruby View Post
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. My Sprint TV appears to be working now; however, it's too big--it's larger than my Touch Screen. How do I make the SprintTV smaller?

2. I found a thread on this site that talked about editing the registry to make the left softkey a "Start" key.
There is a way to have a Start menu button on the bottom, but I haven't figured out how to get it off the top yet.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Today>Keys>11 2
change Default to "Start"
change Open to "htcStartMenu.exe"
this will allow you to open the Start Menu using the bottom left soft button, but it will not close it on a second press.

I tried that but my phone won't accept the command: htcStartMenu.exe
Does anybody know what the command should be? I searched my phone but couldn't find it.

3. There are times when my keyboard just pops up automatically so I can type info into a field but most of the time I just want to look at the field. How can I keep the keyboard from popping up automatically.

4. Finally, is there a way to hide "Private" contacts without having to purchase seperate software?

Again, I thank you for your time and I appreciate any help you could offer.


1. It sounds like you might have the VGA version of Sprint TV installed. You can attempt to locate the QVGA Sprint.cab version; this should fix that problem.

2. I am not sure about...

3. Unfortunatly, no.

4. Once again no. You may have to use third party software for this feature.
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