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Old 01-05-2009, 08:38 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Originally Posted by KCHruby View Post
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. My Sprint TV appears to be working now; however, it's too big--it's larger than my Touch Screen. How do I make the SprintTV smaller?

2. I found a thread on this site that talked about editing the registry to make the left softkey a "Start" key.
There is a way to have a Start menu button on the bottom, but I haven't figured out how to get it off the top yet.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Today>Keys>11 2
change Default to "Start"
change Open to "htcStartMenu.exe"
this will allow you to open the Start Menu using the bottom left soft button, but it will not close it on a second press.

I tried that but my phone won't accept the command: htcStartMenu.exe
Does anybody know what the command should be? I searched my phone but couldn't find it.

3. There are times when my keyboard just pops up automatically so I can type info into a field but most of the time I just want to look at the field. How can I keep the keyboard from popping up automatically.

4. Finally, is there a way to hide "Private" contacts without having to purchase seperate software?

Again, I thank you for your time and I appreciate any help you could offer.


1. It sounds like you might have the VGA version of Sprint TV installed. You can attempt to locate the QVGA version; this should fix that problem.

2. I am not sure about...

3. Unfortunatly, no.

4. Once again no. You may have to use third party software for this feature.