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Old 01-01-2009, 01:48 AM
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Re: Four Different Questions (Sprint HTC Touch)

Originally Posted by KCHruby View Post
Unfortunately None of the four issues that I mentioned have been fixed yet--including Sprint TV being larger than my screen.

I'll probably call Sprint--again--on Wednesday and see if they can help me. If they give me a solution that works, I'll post it here for you.

I upgraded from the 700wx to the HTC Mogul then to the Touch and loved this phone. By far, it was (is) my absolute favorite; however, I really regret upgrading to WM 6.1. That seems to have been the start of my problems. Plus, there are a few more that I managed to fix on my own so didn't post on here.
i would take it to the sprint store and have the techs look at it.most times they can/will fix things in 5 mins. that takes us weeks to figure out.