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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 12:14 PM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

Moved to the general Vogue Forum.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
  #32 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 10:16 AM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

i think the next thing will be the touch hd hopefully sprint gets it cause thats what i want
  #33 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 03:36 PM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

I think that the Android gives us a glimpse of what the future might look like. While the device is kluggee -- the intent is really about improving the online utility of a mobile device -- as the networks continue to become faster and faster, my belief is that this will be the focus vs. new capabilities.
  #34 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 04:38 PM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

vogue was a great phone and has had a nice life cycle, but IMO it's on it's last leg. Maybe if the cousin(HD quartz) to HD that has native WiMax builtin comes to sprint/XOHM. For myself, I don't see upgrading to the diamond or TP being worth it ATM. Hopefully something interesting will be released in 2009.

Happy New Years All!
Current Setup :
Vogue - Myn's Warm Eclair Donut

Epic 4G - Stock (30day trail) until 10/1 when SERO/500 restrictions are lifted. Epic+SERO = $50 per month FTW =D>
  #35 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 09:23 PM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

Originally Posted by tichi View Post

I think HTC Touch will be alive for a number of years to come.

The trick is that the development is pushed forward by the advanced users,
while the majority of ordinary users are happy with the features found
far behind the leading edge of the software development...

I personally never experienced any urge for an update once I found
GPS working in a stable manner in my Touch.. But that's just a particular case...

Viv le Touch!

What gps solution are you using? What tweaks etc....
  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 09:35 AM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

Originally Posted by armus View Post
I've got GPS, M2D. I can play music, surf the next, even give voice commands. My phone seems to do it all, apart from the new stuff on the TP. It's been a good while since a real major improvement seems to have come out for the touch. Have we seen it all? Is this it?? so many folks are runningto the Pro that I am left to wonder if there will be any new updates for us - or what could even be updated since it seems we have everything. I'm saving up the $600 for a Pro but right now, my touch is going through a mid-life crisis. Has anyone even seen something better on the horizone that the TP?
Good topic

Buying a Pro is not an upgrade if you consider that you'll still be on the Windows Mobile 6.1 platform, which is an OS that is mainly put up with instead of enjoyed. The limited amount of info available re: Windows Mobile 7 shows little to get excited about and mimics a lot of Symbian and Mobile OS-X features. Nothing groundbreaking and definitely not worth the $$$ it takes to buy a device whose development is dedicated to that OS the way that the original iPhone was valued. Anyway, I believe the Touch by HTC has reached its full potential, but I also believe that the Touch Pro won't offer much in the long-term to expand upon WM6.1's limited upside, especially since it's only hardware. After you get past that, you realize that it's the continuous R&D behind the software and how that software makes use of a device that makes any device (HTC or not) worth paying for. I'm on the fence about sticking with WM devices, but the limitations of other OS's have enabled me to stay humble and stay put with my current device.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 09:45 AM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

Personally I love my Touch, and don't see value in upgrading to anything currently offered by Sprint, its only real down side for me is screen size. That said, I'm done with Windows Mobile, its too clunky and inconvenient compared to what else is available these days, and developers won't be supporting it as much in the future as more and more people migrate over to BB, Android or the iPhone. Hopefully Sprint has a good Android phone or something like the BB Storm by mid summer when my contract is up or I'll probably jump ship for someone that does.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 04:19 PM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

Originally Posted by keithdupont View Post
What gps solution are you using? What tweaks etc....
Shadow tech's GPS fix works wonders. whos your carrier?


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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: have we reached the end of the line?

i did the blackberry thing and java is still very limited. i love the flexibility and software options i have for a WM6 device. When I see the commercials for new phones with this or that feature, I can only laugh and say, I've had that for a while or that's no better than what I have.

CES09 is this weekend and I'm really hoping to see something in the future for US market cell phones. We all know korea is lightyears ahead of us so there's got to be something better planned for the end of 09 - something worth me holding on to my touch and not spending $600 just yet for a TP.

I only wish the developers hadn't left us for the pro/diamond. the number of rom updates has dropped to nothing. I love my rom for my Alltel phone but it was released in October. I hope I won't be using thsi same rom in October 2009 when I finally do get a chance to upgrade.

WM7 sounds nice but not that huge of an upgrade (from the little I've heard about it). multi-touch would be nice but its not needed. I'd like to see more voice controls - untrained - such as how blackberrys work. Their system is great. VGS screen is the new industry standard. Wifi and GPS are a must. FM Radio is optional IMO. complete web browsing is a must. I tried to get on a flash site today and it took an hour and never loaded right. Cameras at a minimum of 4meg with flashes and quicker shutter speeds. Never checked on this but I'd like to be able to print to an inkjet printer using bluetooth (I'd guess drivers would be an issue).

these are options available mostly now, just not always in one phone (TP coming pretty close I believe) But the biggest question is, what is going to be the next big feature? We wanted GPS on the Touch, fought hard and got it. Wifi is a maybe with an insert card but what is the next big thing?
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