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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2008, 11:02 PM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

I'm running OMJ's 6.1 rom (the full featured version) and I also had "Phone as Modem). Writemdata.exe was in my windows directory so I ran it and it became "Sprint PCS" after a reboot. I'll keep you posted if it changes back.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2008, 11:13 PM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

For those who've done this, have you checked to make sure your connection has stayed at Sprint PCS and not gone back to Phone as Modem as mine has?
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 01:17 AM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

The "phone as modem" and "sprintpcs" connection are the same config in the network connections, the thing worry about (and dont worry if your not getting an error msg UNLESS you have PAM incl in your plan) is the reg entry that enables the Phone as Modem NAI - which is supposed to be triggered if that connection is selected, and if you dont have Phone as modem incl in your plan, you'll get error 67

Sounds like somehow the connection for "sprintpcs" got deleted or somehow the phone as modem got set as the default connection, if deleted you can rebuild that connection. just goto start -> settings -> connections -> connections -> From there you should see "Add a new modem connection" -> Name = sprintpcs (or whatever you want, really it doesn't matter) -> Cellular Line -> #777 -> Leave username, password, and domain blank -> Finish

Note: Upon first connection it will prompt for username, password, and domain...
Just leave 'em blank and check "save password"

Last edited by puff; 05-29-2008 at 01:48 AM.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 10:57 AM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

PPC N00B -- your assumption is wrong -- the SprintPCS connection setting IS there; and in fact, at least on my phone, it does NOT list a Phone as Modem connection.

I have though found a workaround fix for this. I used AdvanceConfig, went to connections and set the Phone As Modem to "disabled". After this my connection (after disconnects, reconnects and resets) has remained as SprintPCS.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 11:09 AM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

I can't even get my phone as modem to work

  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 11:41 AM
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Post Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

CMeys - I have been able to only see "Sprint PCS" on all my connections. The steps I excuted were:

Ran PPST cab extracted from Sprint Leaked ROM (attached)
Ran PPST.exe
Ran WriteDMData.exe
IOTA (from phone settings)

I do have Phone As A Modem still enabled and have not seen it pop up on my data connections since I did that.

I have attched the CAB file I ran and the config file where you can see the order in wich they are executed by the carrier customizations.

Hope this helps!
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File Type: zip OperatorPKG_PT.zip (161.1 KB, 6 views) Click for barcode!
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 12:37 PM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

I don't understand why it matters, I have both Phone as Modem & Sprint PCS and have been using both. I have not paid any extra just do the reg. edits to change the nai and remove the .dll file.

Last edited by DPG; 05-29-2008 at 12:47 AM.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 11:52 PM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

When you have the registry edits that remove the dll entry from ICS it doesn't matter as Sprint can't identify the difference. If you do not have done the reg edit then I am not sure whether it would matter or not to be perfectly honest... Personally it just bothered me so I tinkered to try and figure it out. Specially because the Phone as Modem connection is hidden in the new ROM, so I thought may be Sprint was up to new tricks to track tethering and perhaps I could be charged for it by using Phone as Modem
That being said I'm just trying to share my experiences/findings in hopes to help out!
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2008, 01:41 AM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

Originally Posted by CMeys View Post
PPC N00B -- your assumption is wrong -- the SprintPCS connection setting IS there; and in fact, at least on my phone, it does NOT list a Phone as Modem connection.

I have though found a workaround fix for this. I used AdvanceConfig, went to connections and set the Phone As Modem to "disabled". After this my connection (after disconnects, reconnects and resets) has remained as SprintPCS.
while my assumption was wrong, the connections are still both the same config in network connection.
its just that the Phone as Modem connection is hidden, from the n0rmal view at least
if you try to create a new connection and name it Phone as Modem, it will tell you it already exists
but like m3Jorge said, just make sure u delete the "extention" in the reg

Originally Posted by PPC_N00B View Post
The "phone as modem" and "sprintpcs" connection are the same config in the network connections, the thing worry about (and dont worry if your not getting an error msg UNLESS you have PAM incl in your plan) is the reg entry that enables the Phone as Modem NAI - which is supposed to be triggered if that connection is selected, and if you dont have Phone as modem incl in your plan, you'll get error 67
originally posted somewhere else:
Install a registry editor of your choice. Pocket Hack Master's (PHM's) RegEdit is what I and many others use. Use the registry editor to remove (delete) the registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing] "Extension"="rilphone.dll"

Last edited by puff; 05-29-2008 at 01:44 AM.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: Data Connection says "Phone as Modem"

Yes, I had already done the reg edits to prevent PAM problems. I just didn't like seeing the connection saying Phone as Modem -- it made me nervous. I have cured it though as stated above by using AdvanceConfig. Thanks.
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