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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Mikeschevelle View Post
Dont remember the last time that a "cheap chevy sedan had a vette block.

Poor analogy. Would you be pissed if you bought a vette and found it to be slower that a 4 year old vette.

How do i justify a rolex. Easy. its not a piece of shit.
cheap chevy sedan with vette block.....caprice, impalla ss
vette slower than a 4 year old vette.....71-79, all slower than 60-69.
82-91....slower than vettes built 25 years earlier.

sorry, had to do that.

but on the same analogy, vette owners complained enough and after the years what were they reworded with? the LS1 when the camaro got the ls1 and vette owners complained what happend???? now we have the LS7

so complaining to htc aint gonna hurt nuthing. worst they can do is say no.
  #112 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 02:36 PM
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I'm not saying I wouldn't like better performance from my device, I'm just saying your anger is misplaced. Neither Sprint nor HTC advertised the Mogul as having a functional ATI video chipset. Just because it may or may not be there does not mean we are entitled to it.

You need to read all the replies from HTC before you 'demand' like children what you want. They have clearly stated that it is much more than releasing a few drivers. Do you really believe HTC would refuse to release the drivers if that is all it would take?

This device is already 8 months out of the box and that is OLD in this industry. Thanks to the blind masses flocking to the iPhone we may never get another keyboard slider device like this again (Touch anyone?), at least in the CDMA world, and obviously, HTC is in the business of SELLING phones, not UPGRADING older models.

We have finally gotten the promised revA and the bonus of working GPS WHICH WAS NEVER ADVERTISED AS BEING ENABLED IN THIS DEVICE. Every spec/advertisment I have ever seen for the Mogul said GPS 'capable'.

Apparently the fix for GPS was something HTC belived to be economically feasible for them to provide (especially since Sprint bundled in their per-month GPS mapping app). So you can be assured Sprint was the driving force behind enabling the GPS (because they saw a chance to make money DUHHHH)

If there was a way to make money from enabling the video chipset that would make it profitable, you can bet both Sprint and HTC would be on it. It may be quite possible that the best way to get this done would be as a paid upgrade (hey, maybe they could bundle it with a hardware RAM upgrade LOL), but with the prevalence of hacking/pirating you can bet that won't happen.

Again, I will state: I WANT THE VIDEO TOO, but looking at it from a business perspective, it won't happen. I'm grateful for the working GPS gift.
I'm gonna stick with my Mogul and hold out for the next-gen slider ppc with VGA and LOTS of ram. ETen and others are making them, maybe they will design a CDMA device and steal the market from HTC.
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
  #113 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by walla View Post

HTC did not include the drivers for the phone, many people think they should be included.
However, there are few people who think it's NOT HTC's fault thus we should stop whining.

Now, the people that think it's NOT HTC's fault need to shut the fuck up. Seriously, do you guys work for HTC or something? Let the people who want to complain to HTC do the complaining. What the fuck is your problem, it's not your time that they are using up by complaining to HTC.

Last I knew, this forum/thread isn't only about what YOU want it to be. And I am not defending Sprint or HTC you moron, I actually have a brain and use it, and realize this is a business ONLY decision. So take your misplaced anger and foul language and one-sided opinions and go save some whales or baby seals or something.
  #114 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 03:23 PM
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I just cant help laughing at ppl saying. "HTC never said they were going to have functioning ATI chipset". My response is always... "WHY MAKE THEM?".
  #115 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by htcphone View Post
I just cant help laughing at ppl saying. "HTC never said they were going to have functioning ATI chipset". My response is always... "WHY MAKE THEM?".
they didnt make them, qualcomm made them and has been stated before there are many hardware disabled features in the chipset, such as gsm and wifi. its a multi-platform chipset and youll never see a device with all the features enabled, its just how the industry works. as htcs statement mentioned, its not like this is a simple driver issue. the whole platform would have to be reworked, which in turn would push back development of the device and raise the cost. it can play multimedia, it was not billed as a multimedia device because they made the business decision to focus on issues such as memory rather than video performance and keep the costs down.
  #116 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 04:51 PM
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im jsut curius since i dont own one of the enxt gen devices neccesary...what functionality is missing??
sorry i cant type tommy john surgery makes it hard so just bare with me for a little
  #117 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 06:01 PM
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HTC Drivers

Originally Posted by itsall_cooool View Post
Last I knew, this forum/thread isn't only about what YOU want it to be. And I am not defending Sprint or HTC you moron, I actually have a brain and use it, and realize this is a business ONLY decision. So take your misplaced anger and foul language and one-sided opinions and go save some whales or baby seals or something.
Whew! Rotf!!!

...Blade, Treo 700, Mogul, Touch, Mogul, Touch, Instinct, Touch Diamond, Moto Q, Touch Pro, PALM PRE, Palm Pro, TP2, Blackberry Tour, Moto Droid, Sprint EVO, Galaxy Tab (11/14)... Whew...I'm Dizzy!
  #118 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 06:50 PM
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so its ok to continue to complain about an issue that officially will not be addressed, but its not ok to complain about those people cluttering up the board with a useless discussion? i just want to make sure im following your logic here
  #119 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 07:48 PM
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Anyways now to drag ourselves back on topic *hopefully not in vain*

Hopefully most read these by now http://www.htcclassaction.org/misunderstandings.php

Looks like HTC is giving it the blow over with the "seller's promise" so I can assume if the number of petitioners don't swing support to current users or recent devices, HTC Class Action will unfortunately have to use that "last resort". Honestly I wasn't expecting this to drag like this at all, I've seen better support for older devices from different OEMs.

I'm going to do what little I can to create awareness of whats going on, for the sake of future users & current users.
If HTC ClsAct must live up to its namesake, I'm in full support of helping them.

I'm tagging the above links in my Sig, in every PPC forum I go, I hope many do the same or similar.
  #120 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 03:12 AM
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Originally Posted by ajk511 View Post
cheap chevy sedan with vette block.....caprice, impalla ss
vette slower than a 4 year old vette.....71-79, all slower than 60-69.
82-91....slower than vettes built 25 years earlier.

sorry, had to do that.

but on the same analogy, vette owners complained enough and after the years what were they reworded with? the LS1 when the camaro got the ls1 and vette owners complained what happend???? now we have the LS7

so complaining to htc aint gonna hurt nuthing. worst they can do is say no.
those were not the cheap ones though. you had an upgrade from the 6 cyclinder. I also thank you for upping my vette slowness complaint as that was my point. chevy fixed their problem so lets see what HTC does
Argh we didnt make the top 5
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