Originally Posted by sj808
the whole day I been getting these weird ass text messages from a 9114 number... the text message would just include a bunch of numbers and letters. I have gotten lke 6-8 of 'em already.
anyone know what this is??????
Did you install and setup Sprint email for push and then removed it?
These are the SMS triggers to cue the device to do an auto-sync with Seven's servers. So when an email is sent to your account, they send this "trigger" to wakeup the device. It's basically simulated-push.
If not that, then it is related to the Oz messenger as that operates on the same principle: when you go into idle/standby, your direct connect to the IM server is severed. Sprint then maintains your presence on the IM network. When someone IMs you, a SMS trigger is sent to wake your device and it comes through looking like a new IM.
The benefit is you save a lot of battery power. The downside is delayed push emails and/or new IMs as you are relying on the speed of Sprint's SMS servers, which by all accounts are not fast at all.
Plus, if you remove the program without disabling settings, you will still receive these SMSs as Sprints/Seven's servers are still polling your email accounts. (Likewise, it could be just an error with either of those programs not "reading" the triggers for whatever reason).
Originally Posted by sj808
could it be the Sprint Mobile Email program?? I installed it and deleted it... I was wondering why it was asking for my phone number. Now that I think about it, I get a text everytime I get a new message in gmail... even tho I deleted the program.. can it still be forwarding/pushing messages?? how do I turn this off?
Right, so your best bet: reinstall the program and re-setup your account. Then disable push and turn off auto-sync. I would then reboot the device and reestablish the connection. Then I would
delete your account then remove the software.