Originally Posted by yearn
I would personally be happy with the manilla or both but I will probably still just use manilla. Will including both slow anything down?
I am not seeing any real slow down, The thing I am doing is sorting out some of the files into /program files/htc home or /manilla2d this will keep the some of the files out of the windows folder. And then I will share the weather icons, so they will work side by side, and have different folders.
This will keep the windows folder cleaner, and also might help a little with speed.
Maybe I will do a special with just all 3 different versions, so you can choose the one you want.
I will have to see, right now I have 2 other projects so dont expect this right away.
I am working now on collecting all different keyboards and creating a thread for them that way. then you dont have to search everywhere, because all the keyboards will be in once place.
Here are 2 cabs for youtube. The one is the actual youtube found in my manilla roms, the other is youtube play, found in my earlier roms.