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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 11:51 PM
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Talking Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

download buildos and run the updater from that program folder

These are the file names
Via Updater = Via Manual Download
Vogue Carrier Kitchen files = Carriers_Vogue.rar,
Vogue Drivers = Drivers_Vogue.rar,
Generic OEM Kitchen files (all devices) = Generic_OEM.rar,
19588 QVGA Kitchen files (all QVGA devices) = SYS_19588_QVGA.rar,
Vogue 19588 kitchen base = Vogue_19588.rar

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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2008, 10:05 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

cool thanks again for all the help my friend! I will let you know about the status when I get my phone. I really appreciate every second of your time

Last edited by ka911; 07-01-2008 at 10:28 AM.
  #63 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2008, 11:21 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

Originally Posted by negamann View Post
From what I've been seeing. This is the only way. Others have done it successfully so cross your fingers and close your eyes and GO! lol
I apologize for your mishap! I will make that text larger in the tutorial
I will probably do this tomorrow or next day after I get my new phone. Won't matter if it bricks or not. I will give you the results.
  #64 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2008, 11:50 PM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

Ok... Can anyone help a true newbie to the who updates etc... I barely got a couple reg hacks to work... I want GPS BAD. So... am I missing a couple key things even before getting the unlocker to work? Because everytime I try and install it I get an error about my connection. Active sync drops my connection right as I begin the download. It tells me to disconnect and reconnect and by that time I have all ready been dropped and need to soft reset the phone. I tried reading about Build OS. But, I am not sure what I need. I am running the BRAND NEW Touch Bought last Saturday evening. VERIZON with everything on my plan.

Any help would be greatly apperciated!

  #65 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 01:36 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

Well to be honest, I dont think it's the phone. The computer is the culprit. or try to flash from bootloader By pressing the POWER+CAMERA+RESET buttons until you come to a ranbow screen.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 02:50 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

Originally Posted by negamann View Post
Well to be honest, I dont think it's the phone. The computer is the culprit. or try to flash from bootloader By pressing the POWER+CAMERA+RESET buttons until you come to a ranbow screen.

Ok, I finally got everything to work... NOW I just need the last ROM to load! the Vogue GPS 3.02 Kitchen.

How do I get it loaded. tried downloading. Also messed with the BuildOS


  #67 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 07:39 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

thanks negmamann for all the help! I did everything you have post and now I have my xv6900 with ("GPS") and windows 6.1 plus JAVA. I used OMJ's ROM becuase I don't know how to cook anyway . but thanks alot! oh one more thing non of the *22800 + *22801 or #8899 worked for me, I beleive because its a new phone I had to call 800 numbers and activated. not a problem. For my self high recommended to do these steps using a laptop (just me) because I have my PC out lead by my foot and I don’t want to turn off the power when I’m doing these steps.

Note: for people don't have any idea on how to do this stuff. after running Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe you are not going to have it unlocked until you finish all prosecc.
and then when you start RUU_PPST_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_3.03.651.2_Radio_3.42.30 _AM_NV_2.04_Ship.exe
you will not going to see anything on your barscreen until 10 or 15 sic (just let it run don't panic)

thanks again for all the help.

Last edited by ka911; 07-02-2008 at 09:55 AM.
  #68 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 08:44 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

So I got my replacement phone the other day after letting customizations run last time....tried to redo the install on this new phone....unlocker 2.31, alltell radio, Hulk VZW rom. Looks like I'm now in the bucket of folks who have no data. Tried doing all the reauth steps including getting a new akey and checking all the connection settings but to no avail. SOooooo here's what i'm thinking and i'm looking for ya'lls opinion....someone in this thread suggested to move phone service to an older existing phone then move it back after flashing, he/she may be on to something....I think i proceeded unlocking the phone while i technically still had a live data connection running in the background and should have disconnected it first and perhaps left my data in a hungup state??? anyways...no data sucks and luckily the vz rep concluded the replacement i got is defective and is overnighting me my third xv6900! lol ...anyways, SUGGESTIONS please I don't want to screw up again for a third time.
  #69 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 10:01 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

Originally Posted by kaldereta View Post
So I got my replacement phone the other day after letting customizations run last time....tried to redo the install on this new phone....unlocker 2.31, alltell radio, Hulk VZW rom. Looks like I'm now in the bucket of folks who have no data. Tried doing all the reauth steps including getting a new akey and checking all the connection settings but to no avail. SOooooo here's what i'm thinking and i'm looking for ya'lls opinion....someone in this thread suggested to move phone service to an older existing phone then move it back after flashing, he/she may be on to something....I think i proceeded unlocking the phone while i technically still had a live data connection running in the background and should have disconnected it first and perhaps left my data in a hungup state??? anyways...no data sucks and luckily the vz rep concluded the replacement i got is defective and is overnighting me my third xv6900! lol ...anyways, SUGGESTIONS please I don't want to screw up again for a third time.
hi there,
I thing negamann did good job on how to do these stips, if I can do it beleive me every one can do it too . just one thing about ROMs as negamann said you need to make sure its for Verizon. I'm a new on Mobile GPS, I thing it will take about 45 up to 1 min to connect, I'm not sure if it normal or not. but every thing else work 100%. I did not do any of the config of network to get my data I just let verizon program my phone and then it restart by it self and then I have everything working 100%.

Last edited by ka911; 07-02-2008 at 10:05 AM.
  #70 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2008, 10:43 AM
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Re: Upgrading Tutorial For Verizon XV6900!!! Radio 3.42.30 with working GPS

Originally Posted by kaldereta View Post
So I got my replacement phone the other day after letting customizations run last time....tried to redo the install on this new phone....unlocker 2.31, alltell radio, Hulk VZW rom. Looks like I'm now in the bucket of folks who have no data. Tried doing all the reauth steps including getting a new akey and checking all the connection settings but to no avail. SOooooo here's what i'm thinking and i'm looking for ya'lls opinion....someone in this thread suggested to move phone service to an older existing phone then move it back after flashing, he/she may be on to something....I think i proceeded unlocking the phone while i technically still had a live data connection running in the background and should have disconnected it first and perhaps left my data in a hungup state??? anyways...no data sucks and luckily the vz rep concluded the replacement i got is defective and is overnighting me my third xv6900! lol ...anyways, SUGGESTIONS please I don't want to screw up again for a third time.
Here is what I would do: Get your new (3rd) phone and flash to the new sprint ROM. Don't let the customizations run!!!! Stop there, call Verizon, and re-authenticate. Just tell them that you did a hard reset. After authentication, make sure voice and data (forget about MMS for now) are working.

Then, flash to a super safe minimalist ROM. None of that hulk stuff. Flash to this:


You can safely allow customizations to run on that because OMJ removed the carrier customizations. Stick with that ROM permanently... its nice, safe, and stable and you'll have good GPS and RevA speeds. You'll need to install arcsoft to get MMS.

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