thanks negmamann for all the help! I did everything you have post and now I have my xv6900 with ("GPS") and windows 6.1 plus JAVA. I used OMJ's ROM becuase I don't know how to cook anyway

. but thanks alot! oh one more thing non of the *22800 + *22801 or #8899 worked for me, I beleive because its a new phone I had to call 800 numbers and activated. not a problem. For my self high recommended to do these steps using a laptop (just me) because I have my PC out lead by my foot and I don’t want to turn off the power when I’m doing these steps.
Note: for people don't have any idea on how to do this stuff. after running
Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe you are not going to have it unlocked until you finish all prosecc.
and then when you start RUU_PPST_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_3.03.651.2_Radio_3.42.30 _AM_NV_2.04_Ship.exe
you will not going to see anything on your barscreen until 10 or 15 sic (just let it run don't panic)
thanks again for all the help.