Originally Posted by saf100792
yea call every1 names that'll get you help genius. Don't come back posting whining about your phone died and blew up in your pocket leaving you with 3rd-degree burns and a non working phone. Unless this happened days ago and not yesterday THERE IS RESIDUAL WATER LEFT IN YOUR PHONE
Wow - I had to make a post in this thread, because I had actually been excited to help out and
already made a pre-mature pretty detailed post trying to offer solution(s) to his problem (
which I just deleted)... until I read the rest of the posts. What an angry guy, with an odd (read: idiotic) methodology of getting some constructive help with his issue.
Was this the thought process?
"Ok here is the game plan, I washed my phone, so I'm going to google a good resource to find some free help online... ah-ha PPC will be perfect. Now, let me plead my case, and immediately after throw about pretentious inflammatory insults and degrade the entire PPC membership roster in the process of trying to extract some answers!"